The English actor has been in business since he was eight years old as an advertising star in several companies. For the screen film Felton has become an actor in 1997 in his first movie “The Borrowers”. Tom Felton became famous for Draco Malfoy, the role he played in the Harry Potter movie.
Also known as: Tom Felton ( Draco Malfoy )
Birth Name: Thomas Andrew Felton
Birth Place: Epsom, Surrey, England
Birth Date: 1987 September 22
Occupation: Actor, musician
Nationality: England
Father: Peter Felton
Mother: Sharon Anstey
Tom Felton Address
- Temporary Address
“The Flash – Season 4” (Until Apr 21, 2018)
Central City Films
3500 Cornett Road
Building C
Vancouver, BC, V5M 2H5
- Address information
(Talent Agency)
10A Christina Street
London, EC2A 4PA
Phone: +44 (0)20-7336 7868
Fax: +44 (0)20-7490 7642
- Fan mail address
Tom Felton
10A Christina Street
London, EC2A 4PA
Hello Tom Felton I am Addison Phillips , I loved you playing Draco Malfoy , you are the best actor ever. What other movies besides Harry Potter have you had a role in?
Hi tom Felton my name is Eliza beard i love Draco Malfoy Eliza was the Malfoy’s biggest fan and then Eliza will john the Death Eaters and Eliza got a Malfoy’s rob, socks, and tie to Eliza i Love you Draco Malfoy world you be Eliza’s new best friends list i love Malfoy so much.
Hi, I am Alex Palmer, I also thought you did really good with the role Draco Malfoy. You are really good! I don’t want you to think I’m like super obsessed or something and oh I want your autograph, No, I am just saying I thought you did great in the harry potter movies. hope you see this! -Alex
Hello Tom. I love you very much. I think you were great in Harry Potter movies. My full name is Parmis Dabbagh. I am 13 years old. I really want to get to know each other and I can talk to you much, much, much more than that. Even video calls! This is my dream. Please answer please.
If this happens, I think I will be the happiest person on the planet. I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.
-love, Parmis
hi Tom Felton I think you did AMAZING as Draco Malfoy and to see you in real life has always been my dream
Hello Tom. I love you very much. I think you were great in Harry Potter movies. My full name is Parmis Dabbagh. I am 13 years old. I really want to get to know each other and I can talk to you much, much, much more than that. Even video calls! This is my dream. Please answer please.
If this happens, I think I will be the happiest person on the planet. I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.
-love, Parmis
Hello Tom. I love you very much. I think you were great in Harry Potter movies. My full name is Parmis Dabbagh. I am 13 years old. I really want to get to know each other and I can talk to you much, much, much more than that. Even video calls! This is my dream. Please answer please.
If this happens, I think I will be the happiest person on the planet. I love you so much.
tom felton is so cute in the harry potter movies
Hi Tom I really like the role draco malfoy and i did get put into slytherin.But i do not live in london i live in michigan and would really wanted to meet you. I love harry potter and i am on the first book of harry potter.I am turning 11 in two day and i would like if you could say happy birthday.My favorite sport is softball and I can throw about 40 mph and i am now playing the ukulele, and you did really well in all of the harry potter films and you are my favorite character in all of the harry potter films. I love you very much
Hello Thomas sir, you are my favourite actor sir, o loved you acting in harry potter movies, even your were a bad character i their, you are pure in your real life, i hoe you are keeping good, goodbye and may god bless you
You are the best actor I’ve ever seen.
Your voice is beautiful when you sing.
hello real draco malfoy my name nicole naralocnik i am female
Tom is an amazing actor!!!!! <3 <3
Love you tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Emma Watson? I’m Ashlie Harman from Indiana and I saw your video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjI_bspcUHA&ab_channel=WinnerBrain and it inspired me and has changed my life. I am 14 and I have started doing things again and I am doing this assignment on someone who inspires me to be me. I was wondering if I could email you off my school email and ask some questions. I love how you were hermione in harry potter was amazing! and tom felton was cool to. anyways I hope to get an reply soon. You are amazing and awesome in so many ways its hard to describe. You are the one who has helped me find my voice to stand up to those in school. Thank You!
Also my email is aharman@jgsc.k12.in.us. And tom felton I also find you inspiring when it comes for me to artwork. I also had a few questions for you if you read this……
hi i love youuu
you are my celebrity crush
OMG EMMA WATSON! i loved you in beauty and th beast you are such a good singer and you were the best in harry potter! I ALSO LOVE YOU TOM FELTON YOU ARE THE BEST !!
Hi Emma Waston ☺….
Hey tom I love you soo much. You are the only happy thing in my life right now. my parents are getting a divorce and my best friend is moving tomorrow. I watch you on dracotok and you make me smile even in my saddest times. I have recently been diagnosed with depression and i am moving to another state in the middle of my 7th grade. if you could reply I would be really happy but i know you are busy. Mabe i could have your number so that i could have someone to talk to? i don’t have any friends to talk too and my bff doesn’t have a phone so you would be my only friend. I know I have a depressing story i just thought it wouldn’t be bad to ask. Thanks !!! hope you see this
hey emma I met you a while ago and you said you would ask tom if i could have his number. did you ask? if not i totaly get it. thanks hope you are doing well in this pandemic.
Hello Tom Felton I am a fan of harry potter movies and I love the way you play Draco Malfoy I also follow you on tiktok I hope you see this -Adriana
you are my favorite actor I am 11 and you where also my favorite character in HP.
hi tom my name is karmah i just wanted to say im a huge fan and you did a great job playing draco malfoy. im not one of those girls who are totally obbsessed with you im just a fan.
hi tom my name is karmah i just wanted to say im a huge fan and you did a great job playing draco malfoy. im not one of those girls who are totally obbsessed with you im just a fan.
I abosolutly love tom felton/draco malfoy
tom if you get a call it might be from me i mean not to be rude but maybe could you answer because it would mean the world to me thank you for all the time you put into the harry potter films
Hi Tom if you get a random phone call it might be from me. Also I love your dog Willow adorable I have a dog just like that.
hi tom if you get a call it will be me. i have trid to text you on Pinterest but you have not text be back so pls text back. and i am such a big fan of you .you are so cute
hi tom its me again not to be rude but pls could you answer it it will mean the world for me
Hi Tom I loved it when you played Draco Malfoy and I love your song’s I always listen to them.You are my favorite Actor ever and singer.
Hiiiii tommmm!!!!! I’m Kayla and I’m 14 years old, I love u so damn much!! your me inspiration, role model, and much more I can’t describe them in words!
I will always love and support you!!
OMG!! YOU ARE 100% MY CELEBRITY CRUSH AND I LOVE YOU !!! DRACO WAS MY FAVE CHARACTER I HOPE YOU SEE THIS!!!!! Also emma watson I LOVE YOU AS AN ACTRESS!!!!!! you were great in and the beat and an amazing hermione granger!!!!!! LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!
You can check this out
Its all about you