LeBron James is an American professional basketball player who is currently the club merged with the Cleveland Cavaliers. A basketball with salary 30.96 million USD in the year 2017 has had three children named Bryce Maximus James, LeBron James Jr., James Zhuri. In the basketball te

am he was in the position of Small forward. Husband of Savannah Brinson has succeeded several times brought the club won the League for the NBA.
Also known as: LeBron James
Birth Name: LeBron Raymone James
Birth Place: Akron, Ohio, United States
Birth Date/Age: 1984 December 30
Occupation: Professional Basketball Player
Nationality: American
Father : Anthony McClelland
Mother : Gloria Marie James
Spouse/Wife : Savannah Brinson (Married since 2013)
LeBron James Official Website
Facebook : facebook.com/LeBron
Twitter : twitter.com/kingjames
Instagram: instagram.com/kingjames
Google+ : plus.google.com/109908435403153802108
Youtube : –
Email address: –
LeBron James Address
- Fan mail address
LeBron James
LRMR Management Company, LLC
3800 Embassy Parkway
Suite 360
Akron, OH 44333, USA
Phone number: (216) 771.2323
- Another Address
LeBron James
Klutch Sports Group, LLC
50 W Broad Street
Suite 1800
Columbus, OH 43215
Since july 9 2018 he joined the Los Angeles (LA) Lakers club
Hello to the dynamic nba player in the whole universe, LeBron you are just sooooooooooooo fantabulous. LeBron I want to know if you would please, please, please, help my little brother. LeBron he needs help so bad and I see so much of the both of you all in each other. But please see if you can help him if he can just have someone who can mentor him, encourage him. help him before he drinks himself to death. He has found both my father and brother dead in the family house and I know for a fact that it is messing with him, I am sure that you would be some what messed up if it were, now don’t get me wrong, he has drink before, but LeBron I have never known my brother to ever drink like this. Please help us. He does not know that I am writing you and see he is not going to listen to none of his siblings, because he’s like you drink just as much as I do, but that is not true and there is a lot of you can’t tell me anything look at you. LeBron he needs help. But when you come to meet him please let me know so I can be there to see the look on his face when he meets you. LeBron please see if you can help Michael before he dies, please. Bye and hope to see you soon.
Lebron James you are a POS and a Racist why would you post a Police Officer face and state you are next, the girl had a knife and was going to kill another girl I want you to tell me why you did this but you are a racist and coward contact me and tell me why you did this I am going to spend a lot of money to show what a racist you are and if you want to meet and talk lets do it coward you wont because you are a racist scum bag
You idiot this piece of shit is the racist scum bag and far from being the greatest. This ass could not carry Jordan jock strap he does not even come close to Larry Bird who was the GREATEST. I am not on facebook or twitter but if I was I would post a photo of dead floyd and send it to you and say your next. You low life scum there is a difference between a Black man and a NIGGER and you are a NIGGER
Hey scum bag stay out of something you know nothing about you stupid brain dead moron and stick to playing your AFRICAN TREE HOCKEY. There is not a smart white man out there that would take a walk in the hood because they would get killed. Now if a black man gets beat up in a white area you call the people racist but yet if a white man goes into a black area and gets beat up you tards say well what was he doing in that area. Perfect example is when the protest was going on there was niggers out telling the white people protesting with them to get the fuck out this is not your fight. Now we have smart black people out there but there is not one smart nigger out there and you lebron are a NIGGER.
Dear LeBron James,
I am sending to you from hurghada (Red Sea- -Egypt-we love you so much. we are one of the big fans of you and really we wish that you come to us in royal academy for basketball just to take photos with you I know that you may not see what I am writing but you may also read it and come. In the end, We LOVE YOU very much whenever you win or lose you are the BEST…..
Lebron James, Reach to Giannis Antetokounmpo. He is the wave of the future, and the best answer to the “Warrior’s Dream Team.”
Hi LeBron can you reply back to this email and DM (Direct message) me on this email address gpettigrew1@cnsstu.catholic.edu.au to give me some tips about basketball. I am one of your biggest fans. thank you
i am a big fan. i am only a ten year old girl, but i never miss a cavs game. i am upset that you are moving to the lakers because i live in ohio. the cavs will lose without you but i am happy for you. can yuo please email me back at annabelleshilling@gmail.com
I am a ten year old girl and i never miss a Cavs game. i live in Ohio so i am upset you are moving to the Lakers but i am also happy for you. the Cavs will lose without you. please email me about basketball at annabelleshilling@gmail.com
Lebron James, is my Idol in basketball… thanks for inspiring many kids and teens for that amazing sport. BASKETBALL. Please? try to visit philippines and promote ur Basketball technique. more power Lebron James!
LeBron, God bless you and your family!!! I know you have not entertained the idea of running for president, but if you do (and please do!) I want to be on your campaign team. You are exactly what this country needs to bring light and sunshine and promise and goodness into our society in a way that has yet to be seen. People’s hearts would be lifted, our communities would be lifted, and a ripple effect of your “I Promise” philosophy would send waves through the world…….Thank you LeBron, for caring. We white people love you too!!!!!!
I am a grandmother who has watched you grow up from a great young basketball player to a truly great American Hero. You have showed the world what true greatness is and how much good can be done with it, Ignore foolish comments by truly foolish (only would be great) presidents.
I am a male,white “senior” basketball fan. What you do on the court is the greatest. But what you are doing off the court is even greater. You and many other professional athletes deserve recognition for what you do for many communities. Don’t let one person’s words ever stop you from doing the right thing the right way. A man’s worth is not measured by what he has, but by who he is.
Mr. James,
I am hoping you can contact me regarding a friend I have who is a motivational speaker to schools in the inner city and basically to any school. He mentioned your name today to get in contact with as he has a great vision that you would not want to miss for these kids. He doesn’t want any credit, he just wanted to have a phone call with you. I’m hoping you somehow get this because you wouldn’t want to miss what this man has to say. He is amazing and I hope you could give him one phone call!
Dear Mr. LeBron James,
You are an inspiration to young and old alike. Please know that most Americans support you in your efforts to make life better for the disenfranchised. Thank you so much for all you do
Hi LeBron,
You are a respectable human being. When I look and hear about all the great stuff you do…I’m like, “May he always continue to be blessed in his heart to do such positive things in this world.” You are an example: (not just the youth) as to what is to be an influencer, a true LEADER! Many of us get stuck on our where we grew up but where you grew up doesn’t define who you want to be/ who you are now. You have it all, but what is most resilient is how you came about it… from the streets of Ohio to how you carry yourself and how you give back to the community. By giving back I just don’t mean money wise, I mean how you control your brand and how you built a credible reputation for yourself – that is just amazing. You are a classy man who is passionate about what he does and how he goes about it. Well done and hope you continue to being that inspiration and example to all.
I hope you received my son’s book – MLKJ – the Seminarian. We sent one to Lebron and one to the Foundation. Please confirm.
Hi LeBron I want to build a gym in my city…. We have nowhere for the youth to play or work on basketball skills… I want to change that!!! Can you help me change my small city to something big with just a simple gym we all can make memories and dreams come true. We have a lot of talent but no place for the kids to go out and work on their game
Hi Lebron, like billions of people around the world, we love you! I have a special group of math students who think you’re ‘one of a kind’. In an intensive math review session to keep the morale of my students up we play a game called Celebrity Attack. Where my students choose one celebrity to mark off the game board as they solve math problems correctly. The last celebrity standing on the board is our celebrity of the day. With out fail, YOU are our last celebrity standing every time we play this game! You have inspired my students to learn math. So thank you for that! I have a game board showing the pictures of all the celebrity faces’ and your picture is always the one remaining unmarked at the end of every game! (I’d love to share the picture with you! If you can, please send me a email address that I could send the picture to.) Thanks, Mrs. Grubbs 5th grade teacher
mon fils Damien est agé de 14 ans depuis plusieurs années il est fan de vous . Je lui ai offert votre maillot avec votre nom.Je lui ai proposé un stage de basket cet été mais comme dans le collège ou il va aller il n’y a pas de section basket il a refusé il passe ses journées a jouer au basket est fou de sa . J’aimerai un jour si c possible réaliser le rève d’un enfant juste vous rencontrer et jouer un instant au basket avec vous . Je sais que son rève de vous rencontrer et le mien n’est pas possible mais il n’est juste qu’un enfant et je voudrais réaliser son rève comme certains croient au père noel lui croit un jour en vous espérant pouvoir un jour le réaliser juste pour voir ses yeux briller de bonheur
Letter for Mr. lebron James from a mother:
Ms. Yamila Boumedienne
Ave. 44 No. 3505 e/ 35 & 37, Playa. Havana, Cuba
Tel- +537-209-4788 (home)
Cell- +535-330-5423 (private)
Work- +537-212-5895 / 212-5894
E-mail: menjie101299@gmail.com
Havana, 1st September 2018
Object: Request for help for a talented deprived daughter.
Dear Mr. Lebron James,
First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yamila Boumedienne. I’m a Cuban national; though with African origin (Congolese father).I currently work as Bilingual Executive Assistant at the Embassy of Barbados in Havana, Cuba.
My daughter, Menjalah Thomas, has recently completed her studies of higher education in violin at the National School of Arts/School of Music of Havana and due to outstanding audition performances has been admitted at various US Universities to study the Music Performance career. In this regard, she has also been granted some monetary scholarships but, unfortunately, these financial grants do not cover all education fees (Please find documents attached).
As her Mom I feel very proud of her and humbly thank God. She has been devoted to her vocation for the music since childhood. And, though she is only 18 years old, she is very focused in her goals in life.
I’m aware that you are a person very committed to help others, especially by sharing and giving your kind support to talented youngsters; therefore, I hereby humbly request your kind support and/or sponsorship to my daughter’s career. Any contribution, any assistance provided would be very much appreciated. Needless to say, I will be eternally grateful to you.
Likewise, I would like to convey to you my heartfelt appreciation in advance, particularly for the time you will spend reading this letter and the attention you will give to my request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
With best regards,
Yamila Boumédienne
Nitza Torres
My daughter is a huge fan of Lebron James, I sent a letter to the headquarters in Cleveland Ohio. To see If Lebron is able to record a massage to be played at my daughter sweet fifteen. As a mother I am trying to make the day as special as possible. By having a autograph and a video recording from Lebron James it will make my daughter the special day she deserve. Lebron James inspire my daughter to played basketball, she watches all of the game either the day of or the next day. Her dream is to meet Lebron James.
If you guys could help a desperate mom and having at least 50% of my daughter dream come true. It will be grandly appreciate.
You are coming to Orlando on Nov. 17 and I have a huge favor to ask. I have an 11 year old granddaughter that is adopted from Guatemala and she is a huge fan of yours. She wears your sneakers and watches all your games on TV. We got her a ticket to the game and was wondering if there is any way that she might meet you. It would mean the world to her. We would look forward to your response. Thanking you in advance and God Bless.
Hello LeBron James my name is gabrielle and i am a huge fan of you i just wanna tell you to come to my house m dream is to meet you i am 9 years old and play basketball.
I am an undergraduate professor at Schreiner University (Texas) in Computer Technology. One of my students is a great player on the basketball team. He is also in my database class. He has been extracting Western Conference Stats for some time and used his database to predict the Western Champion winners. Guess who it was? Can send you his statistical analysis and report.
Have no idea who will be reading and excluding messages. However, I would cherish the opportunity to get this student and his girl friend a court side seat for a game. I can pay for this. Just want this student acknowleded
Did have breakfast with Michael Jordan and chatted with Phil Jackson when at Chicago Bulls during game against Portland. Real people. Kind of cool.
Unfortunately, Scotty Pipen was not there because of his father’s death. Very sad!!
No more posts. Just going to set this student up. Would have been nice if you could have met him. However, he will be a hero.
Getting him a job at ESPN.
You have no idea what you pass up with this young man. I am not asking for finances. I want to showcase some talent that includes basketball excellence and computer technology. Your great loss.
For Christmas I’m getting my son tickets to come watch you in New Orleans on March 1 for his 13th bday. I was wondering if we could catch a picture of you and my son. He is literally your biggest fan! Thank you so much!!
hi Lebron could you please send me an email
Dear LeBron,
you are my favorite basketball player and I would love for you to type back
hi i think your the best player in the world your awesome sorry if it taking time from your day pls
email me bye my email is cnewman30@chatsworth.com.sg bye
hi you are the best player in the world sorry if it is taking time from your day can you email me my email is cnewman30@chatsworth.com.sg bye cole
I am writing this short email to ask for the opportunity to dialog with Lebron and his team. Lebron, I am asking you to take a look at our communities. All of our neighborhood stores are run by Arabs and Chinese. I am asking that you consider helping us take back our neighborhoods. The current owners give nothing back to the community youth, and they do nothing to support us. When I was a youth the store owners brought us uniforms for little league etc.etc.etc. These people provide nothing. help us take back our corner stores. I have a plan Bron. lets Talk
Hello, Mr. James,
My 8 year-old grandson would love it if you would FaceTime with his brother for his 11th birthday! If you could, that would be so kind. You may reach me at my email. Thank you! Sincerely, Grandmommy
Please do not donate $175K to the Racist Sheriff challenging you to do so for a reward for the capture of the shooter of 2 cops. You don’t owe him or them anything. He is trying to bully/blackmail you into what I see as a trap. I am a 73YO White woman, and I just don’t want you to be bamboozled by that dirty sheriff. He is not a decent man/cop! PS Thanks for all that you do for your community and our society.
You are one of the biggest racist to walk the face of this great planet and maybe you should have stayed in school cause you are one ignorant ass wipe you are one of the reasons I no longer watch basketball which I now call AFRICAN TREE HOCKEY. You fuck wads calling for a boycott of Georgia I like to ask if you moron even read the bill I doubt it cause you are to stupid to read you just push you left wing bullshit and by the way you are no KING asshole.Larry Bird and Micheal Jordan were the greatest to play the game you could not even carry Jordans jock strap but then again you would more then likely sniff them any ways. AND ONE MORE THING GEORGE FLYOD GOT WHAT HE DESERVED. Everyone one of these morons killed by a cop would all still be alive today if they would have done one easy thing OBEY THE COPS STUPID THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN
You are no longer a basketball player I like. You and other sports icons and Hollywood celebrities need to be careful what you do on your social media accounts. You put a target on a police officer before you knew all the facts. Enough is enough. Your stardom and luxuries you enjoy now is because you live in a great country that allows ALL people to live the American Dream if they work hard for it and respect others. Imagine your life in another country that does not allow you all the freedoms you have here – you can’t cause you wouldn’t have it. Be a better role model and stop flaming the current hate in this country! Because if this country was so terrible then those of you who choose to destroy this great country and how far it has come and why so many from other countries are scrambling to move into this country legally or not – then find a new country! Have you even asked an immigrant who has sold all their belongings just to move here if they think our country is racist?? Is there still racial bias – of course there is! Every country in this world has it and it is not only just black and white. There are other ethnic groups that suffer racism and bias. It is ludicrous and frustrating for me as a person of color to always here the same damn thing! We are all human beings and we all need to work to bring harmony and peace not just in this country but all over the world. I thought this Pandemic would unite all people instead it has just brought out more hatred for each other! And when people like you who have social media accounts that reach so many people who dont bother to actually read about history or even allow an investigation to play out you add to the death of this wonderful country that you have benefited from!! Think next time before you judge because only God is the true King and he will be the final judge of how you lived your life.
You are a POS human being. You disgust me beyond words by jumping on the hate train against a police officer doing his job and putting a target on his back. Did you even watch the video? No amount of talent will change the fact that you suck as a person. And then you take down your Twitter post because you can’t handle the backlash. Because “ it is being used to create more heat“? What did you think your original post was going to do? Your 2.8 GPA is showing… Big Man, huh? How about “You’re next”? Oh, wait… you have private security so don’t have to worry about being doxed. Shame on you. Shame on the NBA for not sanctioning you. You should pay for that police officers security detail to keep him and his family safe.
I no longer watch basketball because of people like you…Not at the pro-level nor at the college level..Never again…Waste of time…Especially when assholes like you shoot your mouth off…It’s merely a fucking game where you put a ball in a metal hoop, for God sake…nothing more…..I know many people of so much higher quality than you, who deserve huge accolades for their silent and quiet caring for people…You are a show boat pre-Madonna of the worst kind,….You are a basketball whore…You have helped destroy a great game….I stopped watching NBA games YEARS AGO, and hardly watch college ball, women’s game only…..Men’s game has become SO ..Boring and irreverent.and racist , Black Racism is just as bad as White Racism..You made a pack with the DEVIL..and it was for .MONEY…..Please keep your mouth shut.
You owe your money to old white dudes that have too much money, yet you hate white people. It is hilarious really. Karma a bitch. Die in the street like you deserve.
First, I’m from Ohio and a big fan. But Lebron, ALL YOU ARE IS AN ENTERTAINER. You play basketball (damn good basketball) for fans. However, when your playing days are over, no more entertainment, no more Lebron. Everyone has opinions, but the wise keep them to their selves. Play ball, keep us entertained and excited, but stay away from this divide our politicians are involved with. It does not help anyone, especially not you.
Where is your outrage. there is more black on black crime than racist white people in America. Yet most of you black people think that whitie wants to see you fail and keep you down. this can’t be further from the truth. after you read the article. read my Op-ed. thanks concerned whitie.
Why boys become soldiers. Death before surrender.
In America, soldiers join to fight not for a political party but for the idea of our country.
That ideology that we fight for is American Truth, justice and the right to individual freedoms. To pervert this ideology with lies and fear and lies is inexcusable and is Treason.
Many men have fought, suffered and died for this country. to lose it to a bunch of whiny crybaby people who listen to fear driven lies. And controlled by propaganda. These people have accepted defeat and lost over 10,000 businesses in America.
Politicians are not held accountable I.e Clinton’s, Biden’s, Bushes, and … nor is big tech/media. I’m so sorry for my brothers who’ve died horrible deaths for all of you who lie and prevert American values. We who survived would gladly let you die from this fear driven fake pandemic and the real communist Mob that is growing with no emotional empathy. You want fear? Watch men burn alive, loose legs or eyes. Then continue on the mission like nothing happened after taking care of the fallen. That’s Fear.
All of This is brought on from all of you allowing our freedoms being diminished by leaders with draconian rules over Covid. While allowing wrong perceptions to excel and spread.
I was denied medical treatment at my VA facility for failure to comply with the rules of masks.
Your inaction is Dishonest and a form of surrender. I apologize if you are old and weak or if your family died from this. But, did they really or was it something else and marked covid? Moreover, I will not feel sorry for those that are fat and out of shape because of past bad choices of not taking care of oneself.
Here’s a solution to all who fear and fear government. Open up all the businesses, take whatever fines your local leaders wanna try and force upon you. keep your employees employed and everyone will take care of you. Then swarm the courts with lawsuits against your local leaders.
I am angry with this situation and your corrupt police unions and FBI. Thus the reason I stopped being a copper. If you read the morbidity rate versus the asymptotic the covid has a lesser death rate then the flu. Which is at 0.2%
This sheep dog and We just want our individual liberties back so Good luck baby boys in blue.
How much longer do you think we will sit and comply? This is America. Unfortunately people have not stood yet. This is due to social media outlets and being in a daze of keyboard warrior mentality with memes.
These politicians have created a system of have covid and have not, Will comply and Will Not. We are at war on our own soil. We can not protect our business, our home, our family, our history, or our monuments without threats of being arrested by the Men in blue who comply with the unlawful orders of the government. That failed to protect and serve.
Including punishment for non-compliance, censoring facts that are not “in-line” with government narratives, and arresting people for trying to work to feed their families.
Their political Reach on our lives only extends as far as their arms. Your rights end where mine begin, and my rights end where then next person begins. this is called self respect, it is called I am only responsible for me. If your poor, dumb, uneducated, people don’t have self responsibility then it is not my fault. it is your education system and it’s called classism not racism. While these elites are protected by people like me it is awfully dumb of them to start a war. You can tell your racist counterparts this AOC and the squad. This is just a suggestion due to the fact that their rhetoric is dangerous.
Any politician that wants to divide our country by race is automatically a liar and should be disqualified.
If you go to any white trash trailer park where rebel flags are flying. Get out, wait until you see the cultural Appropriation. rap music, the jewelry, the clothing. Yet get out of any black ghetto. No culture Appropriation. And dangerous for white people. So who’s teaching who and what are they just teaching?
Unfortunately Some Black Americans feel the need to have a talk. You can’t stop hate. And we need to continue to remove racist people.
Maybe Here’s how that conversation should go son or daughter we used to have to teach our young about racist cops and about racism but now it’s America and it has graduated to a system of merit and you have to perform in order to achieve acting out and foolish is not this manner. Be proud of your history. A fight for Right and Won. We have Such a beautiful culture. And yet we feel Displaced like the Jews.
But then a proud man stood up. Dr Martin Luther King said this is our home. Be proud to fight for equality. And we did and we won.
I’m speaking on behalf of 99% of Americans who see the black community as strong, beautiful, resilient. We emulate your culture. Out of love and respect. From BB King, Temptations all the way to Lil Wayne and Tupac.
We will not fall victim to big tech, media, propaganda and Psy-ops missions on Americans. Being a gay or transgender is not normal the fact that we allow people to make it normal. Is freedom? Normalization of extreme compliance based on fear. Aka masks. Is definitely wrong and not normal. When Brutus took down Julius it was from within. Hitler relied on science.
It is more than OK for one to be who they want to be, I am not attacking any community. It’s merely A way for me to show how free we are. Not to cause divides or tell people what they experience.
Thank you for your time and hope all of you will find this useful on how to help veterans like myself and the rest of America. Stand up stop crying you weak sally no one can fix this alone.
CEFC, Burisma
The Biden’s are proof Russia and China have teamed up. Russian military has been flying over our country marking out areas. They have been in our systems learning about it. And how to shut us down.
Chinese and democrats have released a bullshit sars strain while dems and big tech introduced fear. To over control.
When we finally announce this it could very well be too late.
Rich gets richer, the poor get more poor. Communism in its fullest. And people tell me corrupt police unions will handle this with our fbi. And cia is nowhere to be found.
The CIA is on the side of China looking at letters signed by 50 intelligence higher ups. Bush signed the patriot act and that was the start of it all. Bush is a commie he voted for Biden.
Thank goodness most Americans have guns for now… When Kim Jong-un disappeared for how many months at the beginning of the Covid and now has reappeared. Iran and North Korea constantly move nukes back-and-forth and technology of new power Russia already has nuke power which is feeding them all the information China has a nuke power also feeding them information and supplies.
If they can collapse us the world is no longer operating on the US dollar
America falls.
We all know Disney owns the majority of our cable media outlets. We also know Disney itself was founded under pro communism. We also know Amazon Jeff was and is funded by communist China.
We also know the leadership of BLM and Antifa are pro communism.
A lot of college professors are pro communist. They are the hippie marxist. Like my Aunt Diane at IU. I’m just an idiot Scout that is only the eyes, ears and voice on the battlefield for the people. You had better become educated quickly ignorance is not an excuse.
Nikita Khrushchev was Premier of the Soviet Union in 1953 to 1964.THE ENTIRE QUOTE FROM NIKTA KHRUSHCHEV a sobering reminder.
It’s over sixty years since Russia’s Khrushchev delivered this remark…”Your children’s children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible.
No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”Please remember what Russia’s Khrushchev said in 1959?Remember, socialism leads to Communism. So, how do you create a Socialistic State?There are 8 levels of control; read the following recipe:
1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to achieve.
Thanks for your post..this is simply a battle of good versus evil towards the end of times(really that simple) the left wants this kind of society and the majority of them dont hear the voice of god. We cant do anything at this point but pray for them, When god said my sheep hear my voice is so clear to me now because I couldn’t understand how intelligent people could be persuaded into the this way of thinking, (They no not what there doing)
you are shit scumbag
Hey Lebron, Not a big fan ! My Wife and I believe in helping all… We believe in accountability. And we believe in being an influence. If your dissatisfied in the system, don’t turn on the ones that are good. Most people are good, cops are people too. Don’t excuse the bad few. Try being a leader for the ones you still influence and teach how to respect others. Now go play amazing Basketball and learn how to be an amazing person. Best of luck. We wish you the best. Gary and Elle
The color of Our skin has been misconstrued again and again, but today, it lives as a daily conspiracy from within. The American Religion once considered the color of Our skin a sin. The People of our American Society has consistently partaken, this evil negative concept that has yet to find an end. They have continuously lied to “US”, cheated and grinned, with their false notions of being our friends. We as a People have yet to win. 500,000 DEAD from Covid-19, yes Americans, a majority with the color of Our skin. There exists a diabolical plan of let’s pretend. We are no more than Second Class Citizens, who is being strung along from their beginning to their end. Equality will never be “The Law” and with many it’s not even a command. Affirmative Actions will always consist of a façade type trend. Power will remain amongst 99.9% of White American women and men, and they’ll never fully share America’s Wealth nor dividends, because the color of Our skin is my personal opinion. They’ve created “The PO-PO” to defend, “The Military” to dictate and amend, these other governmental agencies to hide behind “The Law of Oppression and Sin, as we wonder “Why” we can’t win. We’ve witnessed well over 400 years of tragedies, atrocities and misgivings because the color of Our skin. So why in the world would our immediate family turn on one another sooo viciously, when we’re all akin! They’ve even named “US” African Americans. We kill and harm each other to no end. This is the exact treatment of The Nazis, Aryans and Klue Klux Klan, because the color of Our skin. They have never wanted “US” to be a direct part of “Societal Americans”. People here’s the truth, the color of Our skin and YOURS are permanent! God Given, God Formed “US” from the dust and dirt of Mother Earth and called “US” MAN/HUMANS. More importantly with the color of Our skin. Those who disagree with these historical facts are bias and insensitive. Far too long here in America, there’s been a serious problem with the color of Our skin. We demand full acceptance, just as Y’all, accepted the Founders Slavery and Murderous sins! Millions of people with the color of Our skin, made life better in this world we live in. They’ve given significant contributions, yet some in this world have vowed allegiance to keeping their diabolical plan of let’s pretend, and they hold it against “US” for the color of Our skin. In this, I hope and pray you all can also comprehend. Look deep inside yourselves, I assure you GOD is within, no matter
MAGNIFICENT!!! Well versed and educated as well. If we lead with love, we can accomplish anything!