Man known for his role as Johnny Storm in the film’s “Fantastic Four’s” has a birth name Christopher Robert Evans. Evan is an increasingly well known for his role as Captain America in 2011 through Captain America: The First Avenger. He then proceeds to become Captain America in the Marvel film to eight. The son of a dentist named Robert Evans called as usual Cevans.
Former actress Jessica Biel is to date still not married. For more details concerning the address and no phone can be reached you can see below
Also known as: Chris Evans
Birth Name: Christopher Robert Evans
Birth Place: Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA
Birth Date/Age: 1981 June 13
Occupation: Actor
Nationality: American
Father : Bob Evans
Mother : Lisa Marie Capuano
Sibling : Shanna Evans, Scott Evans, Carly Evans
Spouse / Wife : –
Children: –
Chris Evans Website
Facebook : fb.com/chrisevans/
Twitter : twitter.com/chrisevans
Instagram: instagram.com/teamcevans/
Google+ : –
Youtube : –
Snapchat : –
Email address: –
Chris Evans Address
Fan mail address
3 Arts Entertainment
9460 Wilshire Blvd. 7th Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA
Phone Number: (310) 888.3200
I WISH TO PASS ON A REQUEST TO CHRIS EVANS>>>>>Perhaps he would like to read the novel “”TO HAVE AND TO HOLD”” by Mary Johnston……….It’s a movie that’s a very great classic story that he might be interested in ((starring role)) you’d have to get a screen play written because this is Oscar material?
he is a good actor.
Hi chris evans my name Brandon Carter happy new year I like movie Avenger endgame form Pittsburgh pa 6512-15206
Dear Chris:
Hi. I am a fan of yours that lives in Oklahoma. My name is Cara Melvin. May we become friends and write each other? May I give you my address and my email address?

Thank you.
Hi Cara!
Thank you for the response! I would love to get to know you!
Dear Mr. Evans, my name is Mallory Hansen and I would like to meet you over zoom so I can get to know you better. Thanks, Mallory
Dearest Mr.Evans my name is Riddhi Chaudhari. I’m 22 years old and am from India sir. Is there is any chance to know you in person sir? On hangouts or else? you have been the man of my heart Mr.Evans since i was 10
Hi Mr Evans.
My name is Arabella. My little sister’s 10th birthday is coming up in a few days. I really want to get her something special, and she LOVES you. I was wondering if there is any way we could do a zoom call or a signed poster with her name on it?
Hi,,i am Aleli Reyes one of your fan here in philippines..i dont have any collection,but i just love to watch your movies,and my kids.i really like your character in Before we Go..frankly your my idol and crush.hope its ok for you…just want to be your friend.wish it’s ok.can i ask a post card with your signature,.my address.Indahag Cagayan De Oro City ,Misamis Oriental Philippines 9000.
Chris, I sat next to you on an airplane flying from KC to Phoenix. I did not acknowledge that I knew who you were. I asked about the Bose earphones you were wearing. When I told my granddaughter about this she was EXCITED! This year she has missed her senior prom and graduation. Her 18th b’day is coming. Would it be possible for you to send her a note?
dear Chris Evan you are my favorite actor and you have helped me in many ways when i was 13 i got bullied a lot and my neighbourhood was not that friendly and i even attempted suicide but it was you who kept me running and you have bean a inspiration to me so i kept on fighting and today I’m a very happy person I owe you 3000 thank yous (plus Im a fan of Marvel) i want to get to know you and i just wanna be your friend
Dear Chris Evans I’m a huge fan I’m from India and i wanna get to know you can we be friends we could talk to each other. Can I give you my email address? And please do reply
Hi !! Chris I am Indian your movie are loved by all Indians .
Hi Chris my name is Aubrey and I’m 12 I love the movies your in and can you e-mail me plz hassanaubrey0@gmail.com
Dear Mr. Evans, my name is Mallory Hansen and I would like to meet you over zoom so I can get to know you better. Thanks, Mallory
Hello Mr.Evans, my name is Riddhi Chaudhari and am from India. Is there any chance that you are on Hangouts sir because i’m getting text from you that is Chris Evan’s. So, is that really you sir?
Dearest Mr.Evans if possible then can we get in touch personally. I’m a girl of 22 from India sir and would love to know you in person as you have been the man of my heart since i was 10.
Hi Chris my name is Melyssa and I’m a huge fan of yours. It would be nice to just talk to you and get to know you. You seem like a really nice person and id just like to talk to you really. So if you have the time, please answer me:) so can you email me at melyssabeaulieu@gmail.com ?
Hi Chris! My name is Melyssa and I’m a huge fan of yours. I really love all of your movies and out of all the guys in Hollywood, you seem to be one of the most genuine. I’d really like to get to know you personally and it would be an honor if you could please email me
Hi Chris I’m your biggest fan captain america is my favorite superhero could you email me and mail me your autograph my address 3166 s Spicer drive wichita kansas and could you email me and start a video chat with me at verbazac@usd260.com
Hi Chris I’m your biggest fan my favorite superhero is captain america and I love how in age of ultron when you go to pick up thors hammer you only tilt it and in end game you beat thanos crazy with thors hammer and I like the part in winter soldier or civil war when you pull the helicopter back down could you email me and we could do a video chat and you can mail me your autograph my address is 3166 s Spicer drive wichita kansas
Hi Chris I’m your biggest fan captain america is my favorite superhero could you email me and mail me your autograph my address 3166 s Spicer drive wichita kansas and could you email me and start a video chat with me at verbazac@usd260.com
Hello Chirs! My best friend is a huge fan of you. (as am I) Mostly of you captain America roll.
Hi my name is Megan Killman and my little brother Levi has always wanted to meet you and he wants to be Captain America when he grows up.
Hi, my sister, and I love your acting. I was wondering if we could have a google meet and say hi.