Zac Efron or Zachary David Alexander Efron since the age of 11 years it’s been a career in a theatre such as the Gipsy, Peter Pan and Auntie Mame. Then he continued her role on the TV series ER or Firefly. ZAC EFRON was also instrumental in being a child autistic sufferer in the year 2004 in the serial’s “Miracle Run “. She is more successful because it plays the movie HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL and rumored dating Vannesa Hudgens famous actress.
Zac Efron Biography
Also known as: Zac Efron
Birth Name: Zachary David Alexander Efron
Birth Place: San Luis Obispo, California, USA
Birth Date/Age: 1987 October 18
Occupation: Actor
Nationality: American
Father: –
Mother: –
Sibling: Dylan Efron
Spouse / Wife: –
Children: Alma –
Zac Efron Website
Facebook: fb.com/ZacEfron
Twitter: twitter.com/zacefron
Instagram: instagram.com/zacefron/
Google+: plus.google.com/+ZacEfron
YouTube: –
Snap Chat: –
Email address: –
Zac Efron Address
Fan mail address
Alchemy Entertainment
7024 Melrose Avenue Suite 420
Los Angeles, CA 90038 USA
Phone number: (323) 937.6100
my resolution 2019 that i recommend to trace “zac efron confront connivance tell him that i’m his birthday twin just by following my instincts
Why did you stop playing Troy Bolton in high school musical?
Zac Efron doesn’t know what he’s talking about!!! There never was any “White Privilege”!! The only Privilege that there ever was is “Black Privilege”! My poor Dad, as far back as I can remember, always wanted to own a new Cadillac; but was never able to purchase one. Every time the family was able to make ends meet and get out of debt; the evil Unions (no matter what job Dad had) would go on strike for some dumb reason or another. I remember one time when Dad had to return a new TV he bought for the family; after the old one had broken down, because once again the company he worked for had to go on strike. Some rich Unionists were not making enough money to pay off their credit bills; leaving the poor every day employees out of work until the strike ended. And then, the poor employees had to start all over again trying to work their way out of debt; because they could not pay their bills (which piled up during the strike) while the strike was on going. Those who had savings, used their meager savings up trying to feed their families and pay their debts. However, black Americans still survived, still were able to purchase their Limcolns, Cadillacs, Mercedes Benzs, and new homes. Some even purchased sports cars like Corvettes. The rest of America was left in the poor house. In my humble opinion, the Unions of this country owes many Americans of the “white”, Native, Latino, and Asian races what we never received as children of our poor families. If Mr. Zac Efron failed to live like the rest of us, when he was a child; then he should keep his big mouth shut!
HI Zac Best mate ever had I miss you lot so much
From Sheri XxXx
Why did you stop playing Troy Bolton in high school musical I was looking forward to high school musical 4
Hi Zac Efron it’s me Katie Allen you are cute and you have hot abs and I wish we could be boyfriend and Girlfriend and to be your wife too Please and i love you
P.S I love the High School Musical
well if you could even get famous then you wouldn’t be so jealous of Zac Efron dont be jelly because you are in fact not Zac Efron and u probably DO NOT have his body or his amazing blue eyes so do not talk about him being racist witch he isnt and YOU ARE !!!!!!!
Hey, I’m trying to find your fan mail address and I don’t know if it is the same or not.
I love high school musical and greatest show man .
Hello I am your girlfriend but am really nervous to see you because I really do but you are so handsome man I ever met is u there is the problem your number I am not sure it’s your brother number or it’s yours now but I little more confused
Zac Efron is the best!
zac Efron love you so so so much
i love the seen in th grates show men whare you and zendaya sing reweight the stars.
Hi!! Zac Efron… Am Stephanie one of your fans…. I just want to tell you that your my HERO
Hi Zac my name is kayeleen price I am 31 I have a disability I really want to meet a celb I watched you in the high school musical movies and I also watched you in Bay watch I also love you in hairspray I am happy to be your fan
Hi my name is Aubrey, and I’m a huge no bigger than huge fan please call me my number is 210-279-6663 and I am only 10. P.S I have got a crush on you.
a story I’m working on;
anybody want to give me advice or have a chat with beer, wine, soda
on inzandromeda spaceships: Halloween at October City, Fantasia (America USA Colonies)
I’m on superyahoo and superfacebook.
Let me know. I’m a TOYMAKER SUPERSTAR and Supermodel
as well as Captain Spaceship Cadet Joy Messerschmidt.
Free beer at my place. 82nd East side street, 5th Madison avenue
october city, fantasia; Par-tay. Wear your lingerie. I’ll bring the boys and spaceships.
Dear Zac Efron,
“Happy Happy Halloween;
Happy Happy HalloScream”
It’s a happy halloween today
I make my way through the drive way;
I know there’s a lot to say;
so come into the Life today.
I wanna give you some candy
cause it’s Halloween every day;
speak the news spread the word;
i’ve heard of a new candy.
cash is the points with the new toy joints
text message the toy logo
and win some chit chat during sex
i’ve never learned the rest…
come one come all
to the Halloween Ball!
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Spanks with lower gays as attraction;
lower american junk foods always taste good;
trying to get food and sex is different everyday and not everybody knows
no matter what the background is or does or changes…
so you would have to reincarnate again in a new form.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
If you ever go on inzandromeda spaceships?
I would want to date someday…
I mean I feel attracted.
Let’s go out on a date.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I am aware that you are my equal, or above an equal.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt-Rowansage Wise
Nazi German World War One Spaceships Designer Tinker Heritage; Paris, France Royalty Heritage
“Happy Halloween” Disney Movies Deal with New York Models 24/7 records with Inzane Technology
Wanaque, New Jersey
Birthdate: April 15th, 1990; Dies at Le Moyne 2009 reincarnates birthdate: October 31,1980
Spackenkill High School 2004 to 2008
Le Moyne College 2009
Syracuse University 2019
Paris University 2020
Oxford University 2021
My achievements in the Lifetimes are as follows:
2004 Miss Teen America
2005 A Christmas Carol Play
2006 High School Class Trip to Paris, France for rich lifetimes and manga lifetimes;LeveLs
2007 People To People Kids Olympics; multiples; reincarnation;
2008 Indiana State America Travis Hankins for Congress
2009 Le Moyne College; Disney Gamer; Criminology and Justice Major;DramaTheater Minor
2010 Stanford University; Superstar;Toymaker Superstar Concerts
2011 Harvard Hell and Gaga Loony
2012 Estelle and Alfonso’s Dance Studios; Space Operas
2013 Estelle and Alfonso’s Dance Studios: concerts in tight locations
2014 New York Models; upper class rights and acceptance; passport and visa’s to perfect matrix’s and dreamLands
2015 Green Destiny USA Mall three doors: Egypt, Renaissance, Star Citizen;trigger dreams
2016 James Pentaudi Albany Talent “Dereck Hammond When In Rome Olsen Twins Movie Fashion Designer” Intergalactic Music Records Deals 55555
2017 Red Carpet: Kitty Hoynes Restaurant (Fairy), Bittersweet Cafe (Vampire)
2018 Burger King Girl Chronicles-how to beg five meals playing retard
2019 Inzane Spaceships; Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, St. Patricks; going multiple
2020 Nutcracker Ballet Upper Class Syracuse New York “Little Moscow”
2020 Prada Director for only fashion clothes design year of 2020 then retires Joy Messerschmidt
2020 Tokyo Japan Olympics; United Nations Ambassador Volunteer Job; People To People Sports
2024 Paris, France Olympics; United Nations Ambassador Volunteer Job; People to People Sports
2028 L.A. America Olympics; United Nations Ambassador Volunteer Job; People to People Sports
3000 Cinderella
3004 Syracuse, New York Olympics
21st Century; Arcana Tarot StoryLines
90th Millenium; Dream Saga StoryLines
Achievements in rank, sex, fucks, boyfriends, fiancee, marriage, or short term friendships:
James Pentaudi
Nicholas Messerschmidt
Thomas Messerschmidt
Peter Singer
Bill Kowalsky
Dana Leight
Christophe Willem
Basically the rank achieved is that of an enchantress who controls dreams.
Deleted the body and face and achieved twelve new bodies and faces throughout the lifetimes
wearing one style at a time based on Holiday Months.
Dreams are sweet dreams based on Holiday Months schedule of Humanity throughout evolution;
The mates are WarLords or WarLock Gods that are high magic but hides true beauty in ugly;
Usually prefers female as woman, but has achieved the manga male as man beauty face, headsize,neckline,
and body shapes in proportions during Paris, France Spack High Class Trip, Holland Netherlands People to People, Indiana State America Travis Hankins for Congress;
Started with Purple Hair, and Green Eyes, and White Skin as Shanghai, China Clan of
German and Paris, France Messerschmidt grandchild;
and reincarnated African American in Le Moyne College by 2009;
still Heiress to Nicholas Messerschmidt’s fortunes
and fame and cash money as millionaire;
Talents are prophecy, prediction, magic, Disney Gamer visions and sights through allowing children to see; dancing, new speak, law of attraction, Cop and Constable, Psychology, Philosophy,
Olympics; often seen as a mate with the Gods or Gods children;
created one empire through the union of the Holiday Months and fairytales;
Thirty Percent of American’s heard of Joy Messerschmidt but when advertised ruthless
by Joy Messerschmidt campaigning Eighty-Five percent of American Fans went to
Inzane Spaceships Designed by Thomas Messerschmidt and Joy Messerschmidt;
Joy Messerschmidt is known to have designed “Golden Compass: Horoscope Digital Star Charts”,
“Google Moon and Cow Talk App for kids”, “Toys for kids that control destiny”; “Baby Bop Wise Face Program” for inzane spaceships alone.
“So, What Do You Know?” (Theme Music Plays)
We really should have dated before you got bullshit rank over me.
Remember there’s a world war three on.
I don’t know. I don’t see you achieving beyond the three men and a baby movie series
as Zac Efron.
And perhaps singing to you wasn’t the key at Le Moyne College when you were evan thomas.
My family owns Disney. I want you to know that; or more I own Disney as a wedding gift
from Thomas Messerschmidt as a WarLock God to the Future.
Unless you meet me three times in the movie series, “Happy Halloween”
with real conversation as if we were best friends, and if you can not then pull five dreams.
All I ask for is five kisses if you can’t find me.
This is serious on you for lying to me.
Joy Messerschmidt
Inzane Spaceships Designer;
Upper Class Favors (Lady Gaga vs. Katy Perry) Fashion Clothes World War Three Games
Sweet Sixteen Party for Fans
“Forever is a Long, Long Time Baby.”
Joy Messerschmidt to Jeysa Williams transexual gay
who got involved with Mr.Almeida to Spackenkill High School;
Who was just clicked and desired him without free will…
but I forced a hand with Tamora Pierce and said for a true love story
there needs to be master’s hands touching free will.
Styles changed.
“I eat three meals a day. Where is the cafeteria? I go to Paris University at Inzane Spaceships
to Disney.” Joy Messerschmidt
Joy Messerschmidt
PS. See you later lover boy.
Dear Zac Efron,
It should not be this hard to flirting with you.
I guess you do not want to be together.
Such a shame Doll.
I guess I will be moving forward to inzane spaceships of Halloween
in Battle of the Holidays to the twelve holiday months starfleets.
My inzane spaceships Cellphone number:$WitchPornTongue
My inzane starport house address:
82nd East Side Street, 5th Madison Avenue
Apartment One “Fool’s Bible”
October City, Fantasia
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
It’s Red.
End of times.
You will have to try to playing the websites for the poor if you miss out…
luxury mega spaceships
“Happy Halloween, Happy Halloscream”
alien academy, alien red carpet done at the same time
food is wild life as meats, and creams done as if rainbow colored paints
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Right. So…
Joy Messerschmidt
Designer of inzane spaceships
“Trix are for kids.”
You Know Me.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
You are not that. (gasp)
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
High School soon.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I think it’s time.
I know you.
I Love You.
Do you Love me?
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Everyone is back in high school;
I do not care if you are in outerspace.
You need if really high to get your ass back into Manga Magic High School.
The hit down is Covid-19 virus and it’s forever bitch.
So you need to marry into royalty while in high school.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
So Buddy, What Do You Know?
You know that the lower things that were so simple
are going to cost more because the fantasies are so wild,
and the common talks at the dinner table always changes based on the reality of outcomes
that gives the kids one dinner as a meal that Day.
God is simple. Get to the simple things maybe it’s not so simple.
Joy Messerschmidt
Look, Look
What I have in my Book, Book.
Wallet, Purses, Bags
I cook Potion Has;
Tremblay the beat switch my toes;
cause somebody here they knows…
Did you Love it when I say;
but the Dour completed this way;
Flip the beat like a burger;
cause you know you have to work harder;
Give me the right of way;
when you
when you
Did it again, oh say…
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Whats going on?
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
You Look Nice.
I Like The Shoes, And The Shirt.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Love me Harder.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Just this moment in time.
Just this moment is good right now.
Try it. Teach me how to Dougie.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I guess you do not go on this page.
I guess the fantasy was higher than realized.
Well, what’s new with my fantasy as inzane spaceships
is Sailor Moon Churches and Sailor Moon Pope is the new Christian religion.
Usually everything about cash, or dreams come from the Messerschmidt family
as royalty.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
So I’ve overheard that childhood the next time round has changed.
I would personally like to ask for some advanced basics as the full package deal with foods and housings, and education with cellphones and laptop computers and being with friends,
and several rich middle class family
to reincarnate to as a person for Lifetimes of different good familys.
My Disney Movies is, “Walk This Way, Happy Halloween” as a deal with New York Models
in 2014; I am the Lead Cast Star of the show with the friend groups as Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
So you are with Alchemy Entertainment.
I’ve always Liked you.
Try Inzane Spaceships.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Dude, sometimes it’s an insult
if you don’t pick up the phone
after I called you when I met your grandfather at Church in Florida
and he said, “My grandson Zac Efron.” as if really proud that you are genius.
If I call you because I know your family
who begs off my grandpa as the middle class
when our family is upper class.
Please. Play nice.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
The concern I have is with the Demons changing the picture
different every time into lower movies when the Dream was higher.
Perhaps create a golden rule book that they have to follow
when telling these sephora Dreams.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
How Ya Doing?
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I’ve been getting these strange dreams lately
of how society has changed.
Nicholas: Bidou
I know you don’t understand.
But yeah, Good Luck in the next steps to Lifetimes.
Joy Messerschmidt
PS. Goodbye
Dear Zac Efron,
if you know the whole story
then why the fuck did you pull a saint peter?
like the reasons dude.
joy messerschmidt
do you hate me motherfucker?
it turned really cold this winter in new york, america.
i love you. no, i love you.
tone it down.
joy messerschmidt
just a little bit of payment advice from me;
tone down the weather…no rain and no snow;
not too sunny and not too grey; there’s kids present;
marry a future british royal if you want to make it with the same level of fame that you had.
Dear Zac Efron,
So…I guess this is goodbye.
I am not coming back to this website
to talking with you. I am moving on.
I just turned thirty years old recently.
I Love You A lot, and my door is always open to you.
I just feel sad that twenty years have passed since I knew of you by age ten years old.
It’s like a good book that I can’t leave behind.
Once the Lifetimes are over, we have to begin again to high school.
Wonder what the future is like…? wonder what the new style trends are?
Wonder if Patrick Martin will ever ask Quinn out?
The next time round…I wonder if we can ever catch it again or we would lose to the adults like we did
and become slaves to them as like doll toys that they don’t care about by 2020.
I had to sell my Miss Teen America Crown to Donald Trump
so my New York, America can afford american junk foods, toilet rights, human rights,
that children are allowed to live on life alone and are given the three body clicks of child, teen, adult;
with rights to genius genetics for children like vampire, werewolf, and zombie;
as well as some cash deals to my state. Life is hard. I could not catch it with the hit downs on yahoo news as if it were blood itself that whipped even Hollywood, California with at first the fame rip downs on the Kardashian family of “Kim Kardashian wears (gasp) twenty dollar sunglasses” and she posed in a cave trying to hide and frowned wearing snapchat sunglasses; or how about how after making everyone afraid as the androids…then some geneticist comes up with Covid-19 virus by 2020 as an extreme zegna stigma about fevers that would cause deaths instead of gay AIDS but just as severe and children live a very short while…so I bought kids rights in hospitals and homes with my Miss Teen New York Crown…because I won both on two different levels. They say the virus is forever
in America; three-fourth of the population died on earth.
Nobody else is allowed.
I also sold my award to Le Moyne College that I won in 2009 as “Rising Star”
to Brad Pitt’s Family for sweet dreams to my grandchildren because some of the dreams
I am seeing through them are very abusive.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
See you later. Next Lifetimes…or perhaps not.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zack Efron,
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt-Roussepears Clairi
Nazi German World War One Spaceships Designer Tinker Heritage; Paris, France Royalty Heritage
“Walk This Way Happy Halloween” Disney Movies Deal with New York Models
24/7 records with Inzandromeda Technology
Wanaque, New Jersey
Birthdate: April 15th, 1990; Dies at Le Moyne 2009 reincarnates birthdate: October 31,1980
“LOVE HIGH SCHOOL” 2004 to 2008
Le Moyne College 2009
Syracuse University 2018
Paris University 2019
Oxford University 2020
My achievements in the Lifetimes are as follows:
2004 Miss Teen America, Miss Teen New York
2005 A Christmas Carol Play
2006 High School Class Trip to Paris, France for rich lifetimes and manga lifetimes;LeveLs
King Louis Palace and Marie Antoinette’s Palace visited as relation to Messerschmidt family
2007 People To People Kids Olympics; multiples; reincarnation; Holland, Netherlands, Norwegian
2008 Indiana State America Travis Hankins for Congress
2009 Le Moyne College; Disney Gamer; Criminology and Justice Major; Drama and Theater Major
2010 Stanford University; Mega Superstar;Toymaker Superstar Concerts
2011 Harvard Hell and Gaga Loony
2012 Estelle and Alfonso’s Dance Studios; Space Operas
2013 Estelle and Alfonso’s Dance Studios: concerts in tight locations
2014 New York Modeling Management; upper class rights and acceptance; passport and visa’s to perfect matrix’s and dreamLands
2015 Green Destiny USA Mall three doors: Egypt, Renaissance, Star Citizen;trigger dreams
2016 James Pentaudi Albany Talent “Dereck Hammond When In Rome Olsen Twins Movie Fashion Designer” Intergalactic Music Records Deals 55555
2017 Red Carpet: Kitty Hoynes Restaurant (Fairy), Bittersweet Cafe (Vampire)
2018 Burger King Girl Chronicles-how to beg five meals
2019 Inzane Spaceships; Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, St. Patricks; going multiple
2020 Nutcracker Ballet Upper Class Syracuse New York “Little Moscow”
2020 Prada Director for only fashion clothes design year of 2020 then retires Joy Messerschmidt
2020 Tokyo Japan Olympics; United Nations Ambassador Volunteer Job; People To People Sports
2024 Paris, France Olympics; United Nations Ambassador Volunteer Job; People to People Sports
2028 L.A. America Olympics; United Nations Ambassador Volunteer Job; People to People Sports
3000 Cinderella
3004 Syracuse, New York Olympics; United Nations; People to People Sports Ambassadors
21st Century; Arcana Tarot StoryLines
90th Millenium; Dream Saga StoryLines
Someone said show the resume and portfolio to you.
So I followed instructions.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
The fantasy really is Nutcracker meet Cinderella.
or Sailor Moon as a Celestial Harmonys meets Star Citizen as Star Trek.
It’s a good story.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
“Walk This Way Happy Halloween”
directed by Nicholas Messerschmidt
starring Joy Messerschmidt and her friends and her family.
Get your tickets to inzandromeda spaceships.
Upper Class Luxury Fantasy Ride…
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
You and your little punk ass bro’s better bring me some chicken salad with creams from Mcdonalds;
because you owe me for telling you about inzandromeda spaceships;
you’re too fuck handsome and it’s pissing me off…
it would have been love but you chose against the Joy Messerschmidt style.
Now tell me bitch…what is the Line say to getting free beer on Television for a commercial.
Joy Messerschmidt
Wanaque, New Jersey
Spackenkill High School
Le Moyne College
Dear Zac Efron,
Thank you and you are welcome.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Look Lisa Zhang…I know you went male and man…I know you’re very handsome.
I know you only told the professors your achievement on yearbook
proud of your grandchild. But let me tell you something…
it snowed in Texas when it never did
and they blew up Trump Towers.
It’s out of control because now there’s a black pope.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
A bit of snow in my pocket;
I’ll let it go with my rocket;
the sun, the moon, the stars
the west, the east, the north, the south;
to the; to the; to the;
tell me heaven
when you make a turn in car…
there’s not enough whiskey in all of california, indiana, and new york to tell you.
Joy Messerschmidt
then why my kids as george cambridge, and noah ringer
buttfuck naked on camera to Texas, and Wisconsin?
What did you do this time?
Dear Zac Efron,
So, buddy…
you have to see it my way.
The odds of it happening though…
me stealing the pope throne from Barack Obama ascending again…
ha…come on I only asked once.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I Love You. I Love You some more.
The great grandkids you’d want to take care of…
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I want to see you again.
I wish to see you again.
Meet me in the Lifetimes.
I will not remember who you are
but we will talk.
I Love You Zac Efron.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I want to apply and be accepted as the “next” Zac Efron.
Joy Messerschmidt
Le Moyne University
Dear Zac Efron,
I am Breaking Up With You.
We can stay friends, but we are no Longer Dating or Fianceed.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I want kids to win this Halloween.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt-Rowansage Wise
Dear Zac Efron
My phone number to Earth is
310 993 1158
My phone number to inzane spaceships and or inzandromeda spaceships is
with the baseLine of 1234567
Marry Me
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt-Rowansage Wise
“Joy Messerschmidt”
Le Moyne College 2009 to 2010
“Happy Halloween RockBand” for kids
inzandromeda spaceships Designer
inzandromeda spaceships Paint buckets gelato for foods and skins with plastic unsnapped
Captain Joy Messerschmidt of Halloween inzandromeda spaceships cadet
Dear Zac Efron,
It’s time to say Goodbye.
I guess the next Lifetimes are full of wonder and horrors.
Remember me.
Hollywood, California was but a Dream…just one Dreams.
This is as far as I can go with you.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
So I’m friends with Eve to the Christian Eden Worlds.
She’s doing great.
The thing about entry to the future and murder tickets to getting off scott free.
You don’t think you could do something with my friends and family.
We’ll take one bitch slap that’s it, but I want entry to future to my territory
and murder tickets from cops about a zillion and one millions and one percent of the highest dividen.
Negate all true evils that you know of that is in legends or fairytales
to my family and friends.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt
Le Moyne College
Oxford University
inzane spaceships
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Volunteer
Dear Zac Efron,
I Love You.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Meet you in Paris. Somewhere in DreamLand come to Life.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I Love You. I Do.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Marry Me.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
So the Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt’s Wedding Concept was a bit like
this simplified. It’s World War Three with the background of spaceships as starfleets
done up in twelve holiday months categorys; Lady Gaga as Nazi versus Katy Perry as Allied;
Pope Francis Designed the Calendar since the middle age renaissance and it is the game to be played in order to entering higher world wars to the upper class.
The set background looks a lot like three interlocking circles as sun, moon, star as faces
which is the main set Logo; the background or backdrop is really the twelve holiday months
whichever one is your birthdate and that is the backdrop setting as new gods;
the lower Logo to the inzane, inzandromeda spaceships is really a jumping cow with a face moon
Spyware technologies are used…there are androids, laser guns, bullet guns, Divine bow and arrows, holograms, Egg TVs that produce the characters on TV as Living Dolls that you can play with, smart spaceships with personalitys, TVs, DVDs, Art Movie Machines that can drink, going accross to mythologies and imaginations of children as planets that are square, triangle, or spherical. Everyone is dressed up in their ethnicity costumes
the first time round for the wedding celebration. The War is Fashion Clothes and Art Games done in the Lifetimes or even in virtual worlds; when celebration is over by 90,000,000,000,000 years
then everyone is to go to an audience voted rich family that would take care of them in a different territory depending on what you’ve earned in the celebrations as an adoptive family.
Anything Goes…
It seems this time round that everyone tried to copy me but could or can not copy me.
They were not my friends and did not ask me the concept as a friend.
Tis Strange…I mean It creeped me out…that all superstars tried to kill a concept
but then Britney Spears admits by the moment of “HORRORLAND” that future Disney stars
were given the real concepts by Fan children as blessings and topped the pastlife stars
to her worlds of the mega star peoples.
So that is my real concept.
Dear Zac Efron,
I Love You, I Do I Do
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
You promised me good weather all the time
as an avatar to going to inzane spaceships on vacation.
Don’t forget.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I Like You. I Love You. I want some more of it.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
Meet me in the Disney Movies, “WALK THIS WAY HAPPY HALLOWEEN”
Directed by Nicholas Messerschmidt. By 2009 to 2010 we are in Le Moyne College
to the outlier gaming worlds; by 2014 New York Modeling Management;
by 2016 James Pentaudi Albany Talent; by 2019 inzandromeda spaceships
as way way onda as future hollywood.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I Love You I Love You; I Like You.
Please re zhi hao hao guo.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
The weather as you promised is sunny all the time at middle tepid temperatures.
Thank You.
I also want a twine up from orphanage, and credit card expenses paid.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I am to marry Dana Leight this Lifetime
because as a spackenkill High School Student who is Popular person
everyone who was fine cock, Divine, Greeko as people left me as friends
and never came back. He is my only choice.
So this is how the story unfolds.
I am very Happy.
Thank you for asking about me.
As you know I offered you before but this is probably a spam page.
No, Don’t talk to me next time in high school. The top jock is probably in Love with me
and I don’t know myself anymore like I used to.
I Love You.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron,
I Love You. I Like You.
I Do I Do I Do I Do;
I Love You. I Like You.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Zac Efron
I Like You
Joy Messerschmidt