Thomas William Hiddleston, who was born February 9, 1981, is an English actor. He was born in Westminster, London and spent his childhood at Wimbledon and Oxford. He began to fame after being involved in several television shows and films such as Loki’s role in Thor (2011) by Marvel Studios, Captain Nicholls in War Horse (2011) by Steven Spielberg, and Freddie Page in the British drama The Deep Blue Sea with Rachel Weisz.
Tom has won numerous awards since playing a role in the big screen, which is the best newcomer to the Laurence Olivier Award for his role in Cymbeline and was nominated for the same award for his role as Cassio di Othello. In 2011 he won the Empire Award for the best newcomer actor and was nominated for the BAFTA Rising Star Award in his role in the film Thor. In 2013 he won the MTV Movie Award for Best Fight and Best Villain in the film The Avengers. And thanks to his role in theater as Coriolanus, he won the Evening Standard Theater Award for best Actor.
Also known as: Tom Hiddleston
Birth Name: Thomas William Hiddleston
Birth Place: Westminster, London, England
Birth Date/Age: 1981 February 9
Occupation: Actor
Nationality: English
Father: –
Mother: –
Sibling: Emma Hiddleston
Spouse / Wife: –
Children: –
Tom Hiddleston Website
URL: tatemenent.com
Facebook: fb.com/twhiddleston
Twitter: twitter.com/twhiddleston
Instagram: instagram.com/twhiddleston
Google+: –
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/-
Snap chat: –
Myspace: –
Email address: –
Tom Hiddleston Address
Fan mail Address/Contact:
Hamilton Hodell
20 Golden Square
London W1F 9JL UK
Phone Number: +44(0)20.7636 1221
Fax Number: +44(0)20.7636 1226
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
9601 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5213 U.S
Phone Number: (310) 285.9000
Tom you do the best loki ever I’m such a fan
if tom really sees this just wanted to say i LOVE the character loki because of you you play the role of loki so good thanks so much it brings so much joy i cant emphasize it.
if tom really sees this just wanted to say I LOVE the character Loki. you play the role of Loki so good thanks so much it brings so much joy I can’t emphasize it.
Hi im jasmine Traeger from Australia and my sister Ashlin is your number one fan we where wondering if you could come to her birth day party to surprise her, she is turning 17 this year it would be awesome if you could make It. if you can’t its okay because know you are very busy but would you be able to contact her in any why. her birthday is in November. could you maybe do a face time with her.
Where can I find his email address? Gmail can convert phone numbers to email, but when I tried with this number, it was invalid.
Hi. My name is lia and I write because I am a very big fan of Loki and I know you play and I always watch the Thor you are into
Oh, and I also write because my role model is really loki, it may be evil, but my heart is in place. Hi: -3.
what’s up y’all Karina Prosak coming to ya from Lorain Ohio! I Love Loki and he’s such a good character and in my mind he deserved much better than what he got in Thor, Avengers and infinity war. BTW i’m still insanely P.I.S.S.E.D about his cruel fate that he was met with. I have a burning hatred for Thanos that stupid giant purple rasin and currently me and a friend of mine are doing Loki roleplays that have o.cs that we created together, and yes my o.c Ava Christina Ross or Flair has a massive crush on him. Meanwhile in real life I too have a massive crush on him and I’m still scrambling to figure out why and this is all I’ve come up with so far , The eyes are soooo hypnotizing I swear to the good lord himself that anyone would get lost in them if you stare for too long. The persona I have to put this one in 2nd place and for good reason too he could melt your heart with how sweet he can actually be but the other characters Just HAD the nerve to only see his bad qualities *Cough* Odin *Cough* Avengers *Cough*.I’m not trying to say I hate the Avengers, it’s just that they should have tried to help him instead of locking him up and throwing away the key I mean that’s what I would’ve done.comment back if you guys feel the same way. I had depression and anxeity for most of my life and it constantly found it’s way to my dreams and self-esteem and self-image as i got older. I also had a “Dad” who would flake out on visitations and show up months later asking to see me and my brother and sister. I was also constantly bullied in elemtrey school and part of middle school, to top it all of I have a learning disability that causes me to think differently than normal people do and that’s another reason I was bullied, for being me, being different and you’re all probably wondering what all of this has to do with Loki well I’ll tell you.He and I are both different and for being that way we were Judged and punished for it and that’s why I’m so connected with this character and I think it’s funny that as a seven year old I was terrified of him and now i’m fangirling over him. Please answer back Tom Hiddleston I want to go on google hangouts with you and do a Loki role play with you if you want to, I would also love an autograph if you have time for it and my email is Karinaprosak@email.com so come find me!
im Devil the demon im having a gint party after covid 19 and i want loki to be thare for fraind of mine
Hey, Lil speaking from the U.S. I just want to say, you’re amazing. You play Loki so well and i just wanted to say, thanks. I used to have really bad depression but whenever i would watch a marvel movie (more specificaly Thor and Thor: Raganrok) I couldn’t help but smile. Thanks so much.