Biography Also known as: Marliece Andrada Birth Name: Marliece Andrada Birth Place: Manteca, California, United States Birth Date/Age: 1972 August […]

Biography Also known as: Emily Roeske Birth Name: Emily Marie Roeske Birth Place:  Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States Birth Date/Age: 1991 […]

Biography Also known as: Shelby Wulfert Birth Name: Shelby Lee Wulfert Birth Place: San Francisco, California, United States Birth Date/Age: […]

Biography Also known as: Christina Brucato Birth Name: Christina Brucato Birth Place: United States Of America Birth Date/Age: 1981 January […]

Biography Also known as: Kyal Legend Birth Name: Kyal Legend Birth Place: Toronto, Canada Birth Date/Age: October 10, 1997 Occupation: […]

Biography Also known as: Marj Dusay Birth Name: Marj Dusay Birth Place:  Russell, Kansas, United States Birth Date/Age: 1936 Februari […]

Biography Also known as: Lynette Mettey Birth Name: Lynette Mettey Birth Place: United States Of America Birth Date/Age: 1943 April […]

Biography Also known as: Leanza Cornett Birth Name: Eva Leanza Cornett Birth Place:  Big Stone Gap, Virginia, united States Birth […]

Biography Also known as: Mercedes Scelba-Shorte Birth Name: Mercedes Yvette Scelba-Shorte Birth Place: New Jersey, United States Birth Date/Age: 1981 […]

Biography Also known as: Altaír Jarabo Birth Name: Altaír Jarabo Birth Place: Mexico City, Mexico Birth Date/Age: 1986 August 7 […]