Johnny Depp is one of the actors in the world of Hollywood film industry with the character Captain Jack Sparrow who played in PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF the BLACK PEARL in 2003. Johnny who was born with the name John Christopher Depp II was a United States actor ever nominated for an Academy Award. He is famous for his clever play a variety of characters with different properties. Depp was born in Owensboro, Kentucky, from John Christopher Depp, SR. and Betty Sue Wells.
Grow up, Johnny’s family had to move home dozens of times. Countless already 20 times they moved home before finally settling in Miramar, Florida, in 1970. When he was 15 years old, this handsome actor parents decide divorced. It was bad on Johnny. He transforms into a young man with strange mannerisms. He often do things that can hurt him, including tattooed. Johnny also briefly attracted to music. However, he and his band, the Group’s Six Gun Method, broke up before recording their songs.
But his life changed when he and his wife, Lori a. Depp, decided to move to Los Angeles. There, he met the actor Nicolas Cage, who led him towards a career in the world of film. The debut of the film i.e. the A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (1984), which was followed by the playing of the series 21 JUMP STREET in the mid-1980 ‘s.
The name Johnny getting bounced with the award he got. He obtained his first trophy at the SAG Awards for the categories best actor appearances of the year 2003. Actress Tonto in movie Lone several times also won the Teen Choice Awards in various categories, including the Best Wild (2004), Best Fight (2004), Best Action Adventure Actor (2006), Best Comedy Actor (2006), Best Action Adventure Actor (2007), Best Villain ( 2008), Best Voice Actor (2011) and Best Action Actor (2011). However, his greatest achievement was when this actor managed to bring home the trophy for best actor category Motion Picture Musical or Comedy at the Golden Globe Awards in the prestigious 2008 through the film “Sweeney Todd”.
Johnny also played the character Willy Wonka, owner of the chocolate in CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (2005) and ALICE IN WONDERLAND (2010) as the Mad Hatter, still under the direction of Burton.
Year 2012 Depp back teamed up with Burton in the film DARK SHADOWS. In the film adaptation of the gothic-themed soap operas she starred alongside Michelle Pfeiffer and Eva Green.Johnny Depp rumored while residing in Los Angeles, California, United States. Johnny Depp rumored while residing in Los Angeles, California, United States.
Also known as: Johnny Depp
Birth Name: John Christopher Depp II
Birth Place: Owensboro, Kentucky, United State
Birth Date/Age: 1963 June 9
Occupation: Actor, Producer and musician
Nationality: American
Father : John Christopher Depp
Mother : Betty Sue Palmer
Spouse/Wife : Lori Allison (1983 – 1985)
Amber Heard (Married. 2015; divorce. 2017)
Official Website
Facebook : www.facebook.com/EdSkrein
Twitter : twitter.com/realdepp
Instagram: instagram.com/deppstagram/
Google+ : –
Youtube : –
Email address: –
Johnny Depp Address
- Fan mail address
Johnny Depp
United Talent Agency
9336 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3604, USA
Phone number: (310) 273.6700
- Secondary Address
Johnny Depp
The Spanky Taylor Company
3727 W. Magnolia
Suite 300
Burbank, CA 91505, USA
super man
Hey Mr. Depp I’m just wondering if i could ask some questions for a grade 8 school project for a movie and my name is Atticus
witaj johnny , przeczytałem o tobie w brukowcu << zmartwiłem się bo lubię Ciebie jako aktora jako człowieka przecież nie znam ale chciałbym Ci powiedzieć że przyjaciół dla pieniędzy nie ma są to fałszywi przyjaciele bez duszni, ja też takich miałem a dzisiaj jestem bankrutem , nie chcę Ciebie więcej umoralniać czy nawet próbować ale uważaj na siebie i za bardzo się nie martw szkoda zdrowia ..
Hi Johnney Dep
Please, please, please stop the drink and drugs. Your fans love you and do not want to see you going down this destructive road. You have so much to live for.
I would sit on his face. Go fuck yourself. He is so hot. If she wants to drink he can drink mother fucker. Leave my husband alone
Hi Jonny I am writing to Thank you for wearing a Poppy Pin in a Photograph of you in the UK, I am not sure if you know the Meaning of wearing this simple Flower Badge. It is to symbolize the Remembrance of all who gave their lives during the Great War of 1914-1918. This year is The Centenary of that and the Ending of the War. The Poppy was adopted due to the fact that in the Spring on the battle fields of Flanders this was the only thing that grew in large numbers and the Troops adopted it as their Symbol of Remembrance. Every year we sell these for 2 weeks in November to mark our respect for the Freedom and Sacrifice these men & women gave so that we could live the lives we do today I am a member of the Organisation that promote the sale of these Pins Flowers and other goods to support our Charity. I am a Ex-Serviceman and Like you I am in my mid 50s I also Ride a Motorcycle and do this with a group of other within the Royal British Legion to Promote Poppy Appeal we are only Approx. 6000 members in UK and other parts of the world. A lot of our members have served in conflicts around the world and some carry with them horrendous mental trauma and some even Physical but everyone of these Men & Women would do it again if they had the chance to. So as to ensure they have a safe secure world for our families to live in, Our moto is “SERVICE NOT SELF” so for a bunch of Old men on Motorcycles we try to make a difference and we are very Honoured That you wear our Small Pin Poppy flower. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 the Guns fell Silent on Flanders Fields
“They shall grow not old
as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will Remember them ”
Thank You for your Respect
I doubt that John will ever see this but I was wondering if he plans on ever appearing in the Supernatural series also would love to see him play Clyde in a modern day remake of Bonnie and Clyde and possibly do a cover of Meatloafs’ song life is a lemon i doubt he will ever see this cause I’m aware it’s just a fan site sigh and I’m not crazy enough to stalk the man like some people i put this here in hopes that maybe he will hear of it and consider it I know he is good at what he does and I’m not the only person who thinks he would be great for these rolls but I’m just one voice lol anyway <3 I won't waste time or space with all the praises I wish to give but know I am thinking them I wish all the best for him
omg i love you johnny depp you are my greatest fan of all times you do so good in pirates of the caribbean you have always been my favorite i wish i could meet you in person because that has always been a dream come true ” i got a jar a dirt and guess whats inside it” thats my favorite scene of one og the movies i dont remember which one but its my fav please if you can get back to me
Love ❤️ Love I’m your student in perseverance keeping your core intact. Keep Moving forward, My Captain JD, my Mad Hatter!
I’m same copy of you plz contact me I’m big fan of you jd
This is a request to speak to you,I know the code and I see what you are showing in all your movies ,I’d like an opportunity to help people on a scale never before seen or done .
Will you help me help yourself
Bc I am you unlike
We are you
hi i am penelope and i just wanted to say pirates of the carribean is probably one of my favorite live action series and i think that you are the funniest in it and as you (Captain Jack Sparrow i didn’t forget the “captain”) once said “why is the rum gone?” and “4 of you tried to kill me in the past one of you succeeded” and last but not least “i got a jar of dirt i got a jar of dirt!” and “hows mum?” well anyway just wanted to ay that i am a big fan and i think you are very funny
hello, my son has been a huge fan since he was a little and he is now graduating this year. as you may know with the covid 19 there are no graduations, proms, senior trips. i would mean the world to him if you would leave him a message of encouragement as he heads off to film school. his dream is to one day help direct a movie with you. you are his inspiration and the reason he will go into film.
hello Johnny Depp i just wanted to say that i am big fan of you and i love all your movies and i really love 21 Jump Street and i love you and love everything you do thanks for everything you do =]
hi Johnny
i am Charlotte and i am 11 years old and i live in Belgium, i really love you and one of my dreams is that i will meth you one day person to person (the others are that i become an famous actress and that we play togheter in a movie and that we become best friends and the other is that you would follow my Johnny Depp fan page (fp) the name is @_official.johnnydepp.fp_). But i would love you even more if you would stop taking drugs and stuff like that… Pleas Johnny i hope you read this but probably not.. But you are the best actor in the world you have many teenage fans so pleas stop i know its going to be hard but hey we-the deppheads- are here for you and we will always be there untill are last breath….. I love you.
I believe you.
Dear Johnny Depp,
I need help finding my true Love or Loves.
Please arrange a ball.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Johnny Depp,
Within Dream; Without Causality.
With nothing on but the stereo.
Joy Messerschmidt
Johnny I have a crush on you my love im in love with you johnny depp im just cazy about you
I cant. stop think about sweetheart johnny depp is the man of my dream I dream about you
let fall in love you and me I what too meet my sweetheart love johnny depp is so very sexy
I what too be with you johnny depp is so very good looking and so very nice looking man
Dear Johnny Depp,
I am Breaking Up With You.
We can still be friends.
Love You Lots. Take Care.
Joy Messerschmidt
Hi Johnny. always have Loved you and your way of having Fun with your work. Iam writing some Great stories about growing up in hollywood . my parents are Delaney and Bonnie . I know you like to play music and you just look like him when he was a young guy. I will send you more if your interestedSuzanne
I what too hare from you johnny depp my love I really wat too see you sweet johnny depp is good
I think you are the man of my dreams and I really what you in my life my darling johnny depp
johnny depp I what too be your woman I what you too be my man sweet love johnny depp.
Dear Johnny Depp,
Spring Breakers Tonight; Todrick Hall sings “Do” over and over again on the car stereo
in our town in Syracuse, New York; inzane spaceships in Syracuse, New York
to Leaving for safety…Dreams Tonight is Spring Breakers extreme sports;
Fuck your true Loves with butt plug; make wishes on cellphones to icon brands;
take vitamins supplements and hormone pills to surviving this new Dream
that Zac Efron mocked not understanding as a dum dum.
We need the High Ways in America hooked to the upper class dimensions
and existing in the international worlds as quantum movable with a snap.
Thank you for your business.
Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt-Rowansage Wise
“Joy Messerschmidt”
Le Moyne College
inzane spaceships Designer
Dear Johnny Depp,
I Love You, man. It’s Game Over.
Joy Messerschmidt
Dear Johnny Depp, 5/30/2021
Chances are you will never receive this message personally but who knows, I thought I’d take a chance….I really hope it gets passed on to you to read….I first saw you when you starred in 21 Jump Street. Of course, you were a heart throb…. You have come a long way in your career and are a wonderful actor…..
However, I have to say whenever I see you in the news you are always looking so sad. Even when you do smile, there is emptiness inside of you….This may sound weird but your inner light is dim, no relationship that you have lasts because your light is dim and it comes from within…. I see the emptiness inside of you….It’s not relationships that can fill that emptiness…. To make your light shine brighter it needs to come from within you….. I know this because my light use to be dim but now it shines bright…. Relationships didn’t last because as much as I thought that I was happy, I wasn’t, I was miserable on the inside… People use to tell me you are pretty, great personality, great guy but I was dying on the inside….. Until, I fixed why I was so unhappy on the inside…. I’m only 3 years younger then you but it took me a long time to figure out true happiness…. My light is shining very bright now….. All the money in the world, your career, relationships won’t matter for the long term…..You need to fix the emptiness inside of you….. As the saying goes: Money doesn’t buy happiness but you do accumulate a lot of fake people along the way….
You may think this is some psycho, crazy person, stalker writing this e-mail but I’m not….. I’m a kind, loving caring person with a heart of gold who likes to see people happy but I just don’t see that in you…. I know you know what I mean but if you don’t then take a look deep down in yourself and you will see why relationships don’t work…..Plus, you always go for the wrong type of women…..I know, because I went for the wrong type of men…..
Anyways, I wish you well in all that you do in your life but just remember what I said…..I would like to see you happy on the inside….And whatever you do, please don’t sell your soul out…. Let your inner light shine!!!! If you ever are in RI look me up, I will be the one with the bubbly personality and my inner light will be shining very bright…..
PS…. This is a weird e-mail but true and this is the first time, I’d ever written a celebrity… It needed to be said!
Laura- from Rhode Island