The Superstar girl named Joelle Joanie Siwa this is a dancer, singer, actress and now he actively upload videos on his YouTube channel that already has millions of subscribers. The new girl was 15 this year started his career as early as 2013 as contestants race dance. In the year 2015 Jojo Siwa starred in two seasons of the series Dance Moms with her mother, Jessalynn Siwa. Since play/dance on the television series, yes start the more well-known people. Starting from invited on the show to Nickelodeon’s role of Aubrey in the Movie School of Rock in December 2017. The song Boomerang and Kid in a Candy Store increasingly bring his name to the top of popularity. One of his biggest appearance took place in the concert at the Mall of America. Thousands of fans came to see the shows of Siwa.
We have managed to obtain an address he gives directly through his YouTube channel. Below there is some info that can make you more knowledgeable about Jojo Siwa, from email to website address
Also known as: JoJo Siwa
Birth Name: Joelle Joanie Siwa
Birth Place: Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Birth Date/Age: 2003 May 19
Occupation: Dancer, Singer, Actress and Youtuber
Nationality: American
Father: Tom Siwa
Mother: Jessalynn Siwa
Sibling: Jayden Siwa
Spouse / husband:-
JoJo Siwa Website
URL: itsjojosiwa.com
Facebook: fb.com/itsjojosiwa
Twitter: twitter.com/itsjojosiwa
Instagram: instagram.com/itsjojosiwa/
Google+: –
YouTube: youtube.com/user/1jessalynn
Snap chat: –
Myspace: –
Email address: Itsjojosiwa@gmail.com
JoJo Siwa Address
CA 91202
Phone Number: (310) –
Hi jojo, my name is Haley and I’m 7 years old. My birthday is one day after yours. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. Do you get nervous when you’re on stage? I like to sing and and dance, but I get nervous in front of ppl.
Hi jojo,my name is janiyla and I’m 9 years and my
birthday is on February12.i have 2 sis and 2 brother. Do you get happy when you on stage? I like to sing and dance,but I get nervous
True dat
Hi this is Jewel reine
she ansrd
Hey jojo
hi jojo siwa siwa what is your phone number
Hi yes I do feel happy on stage
Hi call me jojo please I’m a fan
jojo you are so cool! i wish i was like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am
9 bout to be 10 the June 15
Hey JoJo my name’s Mimi g I’m from Nigeria
Hi I’m a humongously huge fan. I love you so much your my biggest inspiration
It will be a dream to be at your concert
Hi jojo I’m Taylor I am your biggest fan my walls are covered with your posters and I’ve got all your albums no joke I’m 12 turning 13 on the 13 of August I was born on th 13/08/07 I’m 13 this year I hope you reply to me I love you jojo hope I can see you live one day i8 would love you to sigh my poster of you it would mean everything to me bye love u jojo
hi I love you my name is gabby
Hi jojo siwa. My name is Amalia and I am yoir number 1 fan! I loved u since u were dancing in the ABBY Lee dance company. U r my true inspiration.
Hi I am Emma and My first BFF love her so much than she have bows and shoes of JoJo! Don’t be in the way of Her!
Hi Jo jo siwa I am indian but also I like you my name is kavya I am 10 please do reply to me I am you fan I have also subscribed your YouTube channel
JoJo siwa my name is Destiny I love your videos and I’m your number one fan I hope I can see you on your concert once Corona is done
hi jojo,my name is lizzzzy smith i am 13 years old and i am a big fan i wanted to call u buti did not have ur phone number ls can u write it down my friends keeon saying no one can call u that it is all a lie so pls can u give me ur phone number and ur so inspirirng
hi is this jojo siwa
I am writing this for my granddaughter she turned 1 April 11th and got no big birthday because of covid i would love it if you would sing happy birthday to her her name is hayley every time you’re song boomerang comes on she will stop everything just to dance and listen and watch the video
hi jojo siwa how do you do a zoom call with you i want to do it now with your family
Hello jojo siwa i love you and i want to text you
I do not get nervous on stage.
Hi Jojo my name is Jaycee and im 10 yrs old i just wanted to say im ur #1 and most biggest fan in the world i’ve got mostly all your bows and a doll i really want to meet u but i live in winnipeg. Anyways ur probably busy so bye i luv u Jojo!
I luv u Jojo! PLEASE COME TO WINNIPEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if u do my aderess is 93 lochmoor ave
And also Happy birthday jojo. I REALLY WANT TO MEET YOU SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can u please face time for my birthday in august?!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can u please face time for my birthday in august!!! i would absolutly LOVE that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi my name is jacey castle and if your reading this give me a call if so my number is 863 845 6530
Are you the real jojo siwa
Is jojo siwa really
Hi jojo I am a fan of yours my name is evana.
Hi JoJo I’m your #1fan what’s your cell phone number my name is Araya Manson good Manson’s I’m 12 years old I am a girl I love your videos can I call you JoJo I want to be your friend please I love you please please please I love you call me
Are you sure
I got a niece that i ubsested with you she says you will come for her 5th birthdat
Hi JO JO!! I am sending you a pair of sun glasses I bought with my allowance. On one of your shows you did not have a pair and I don’t wan to sun to hurt your eyes. I am one of your biggest fans even tho I am only 5. My grandma is typing this because I cant spell yet. Love You, <Madeline!
Can I get your phone pleses jojo siwa
I love jojo siwa
I love you jojo you are the best, there really is nobody that’s me so#1u
hi jojo my name is dumebi i am 13 years old iam a big fan of ur show
I do sometimes get nervous
hi JoJo my name is Emma and i am your biggest fan and I was wondering what your email is.
hi jojo its Ariana grande just saying im going to be in altedena why don’t you come ill be there march 20 2019 bye girl
If you are the real Ariana Grande then I’m a huge fan of you. Your music really inspires me:)
My granddaughter is a huge fan she even dances to your music in her own YouTube site, she is 8 years old and will be at your concert in sydney
Hi JoJo l’m Christabel l am 11 years I am your number one fan I want to be friends with you
Hi jojo can you fly all the way to Washington to come to my house my address is 7106 164th St E, Puyallup WA 98375 p.s.look for a gravel driveway between fence
hi jojo i am a big fan of ur show and u are also inspiring
are u ariana grande
Love you and my baby sis does too
Hi ARIANA GRANDE i love you so much i have a THOUSAND of your merch because dos not like merch I LOVE YOU ARIANA GRANDE SOOOOOO MUCH I LOVE YOUR SONG ONE LAST
hi jooj siwa i love you
Oh my gosh!Are you the real Ariana Grande???????
Hi jojo siwa do you want to get to know me
Jojo siwa I want to see you
facetime me for my party please please please !!!!
hi Sarah my name is Amelia and can I come to your party and also JoJo siwa. Will you please FaceTime me please please please
hey jojo my daughter is 4 will be 5 oct 20 she loves you so much she has been wear your bows for her whole life it will a blessing if you could send her sum bows just from you for her birthday her name is ARYANA SHE LIKES TO DANCE ,SING,and she can do the SPLITS SHE LOVES JOJO
JoJo’s real phone number is 702 366 censored
thankyou I was wondering what it was I am so glad you said the number bye!!!!!!!!!
and thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Jo Jo. I’m BIGGEST fan of You! I have 33 Jo Jo Bows and 34 Jo Jo Clothes. Send me a message please. No.
Hi Jojo Siwa, My Neice’s name is SaiDiksha, and she is a huge fan of yours. She loves you so much and dances for all your songs. And she can do Splits also.
Jo Jo Siwa you make really good music.It really inspires little girls and I know you want to make the world a better place and I like that.-Isabella Thomas.
I love jojo this is your fan
hi jojo siwa my name is seyifunmi ojo and my birthday is may 19 and i have two brothers adn we are big fans
Hi I rilly want you to tell me your phone number and I want to come to your house and be you friend and I want to meet Everly and be both of your friends
Hi, my younger cousin just turned 6. She is a major fan and won’t stop taking about you, she says she wants you to come over to her house, I told her that’s not how it works so she will be writing you a fan letter 🙂
HI JoJo siwa I’m a fan of you and your song’s and I just love you so much and your videos
We all love you and your song’s and video’s
Hey jojo will you please come to knoxville tn
Hey Jojo, My name is Gabby and I’m your biggest fan. I am five years old and have your water bottle, watch, party plates, cups, jacket and of course play your tunes and you tube channel 24×7! Come to Boston!
Love, Gabby
jojo i love your book, i have never read anything like it, I was surprised that you with the kids from game shackers. That was cool.
i love you jojo
Give me your phone number biggest fan!!!
Hey jojo I’m gabby and I’m 8 years old I love your concerts and I wish I can go to one I live in New York in Springfield garden I love you
Hi please i want Jojo siwa phone number please
yea where is ur email adress i wanna acess pls
Hi JoJo my name is Caylee I am one of your biggist fans I would love to come to your shows but I can’t
Hi my birthday was recently and I tried calling you Jojo but you did not pick up I love you Jojo I even went to your concert in 2019. I love you and I sing and dance to all your songs and I am one of your biggest fans.
Hi Jojo siwa can you please tell me your address so I can send you a note from me!!!!! PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE I just really want to send you a note for me and by the way my name is Amelia
I love you tooo
hi i am a big fan so is my little brother he sings ur songs all day
Can be on stage with you.
I love your songs and some people say that you are stupid in my class but I think your nice so do my friend’s . But as you say don’t let those hateters get there way and I don’t care about what they say.
Hi Jojo. My name is Zannara i’m 11 my birthday is Dec 13. I have 1 sister and 1 brother. I love singing! but i get nervous when i sing in front of many people but i can sing in front of my family and my friends. I really hope i can see you in real life soon.
And btw my sister is a big fan of you too.
hi jojo i love you so much you have been my inspiration i have been yours truly and also ariana grande i love you guys so much you guys are my one and favourite in the whole universe
HEY do not ask a star to give you her phone number what about the rest of the rest of us
I’m Camille Morris and the only child but I wish I was your sister
hey My name is Lynzie Whiteley I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters I am 13 years old and I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to get a boy to like me.
Ew jojo siwa
jojo siwa i love u u are the best i have all youre merch no joke u are the best
OMG you are incredible i love u can you facetime for my b-day party thx my name is lydia
okay what is your facetime number
hi jojo this is Lukas Graham Douglas I would really like it if you would call me at 850-454-9310
i love you
Can you gmail me a zoom meeting
hi sorry I forgot
hi Ellah hi lydia
hi jojo i am a big fan of you
i am waiting for you to reply
Can you call my dads phone number.it is253-507-3122 in the morning p.s. at 7:30
Can you please call my dad’s phone right now if you’re available
If you can I would love to talk to you.names Christopher by the way
Can you actually zoom me if you can it’s just like FaceTime but it is on my iPad
I will email you the link
971 659 5617
971 659 5617 that is the zoom code to get in the zoom
how will you email me and i am not sure if my mumu will allow me
jojo siwa i luv u soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i will tell her it is my BFF so she can allow me BFF
That is fine with me you can give me your mummy’s number BFF i will be yours forever and ever
hi jojo i wach your videos
Hi jojo could i pllllllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeee get ur phone number so i can facetime with u i luv u sooooooooooooooo much i want 2 meet u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey jojo
okay +1 (888)459-239-753 hi emilee
hi Aliannah
hi I’m Anika, I am a big fan too I want her real real phone number too. my friends and bffs are helping me out so I can meet her too.
okay you got me there my real phone number is +1(379)564-855-695 there that is my real phone number
Hi jojo she will allow me to zoom you
Hi Jojo, I have watched some of your youtubes they are great!!!!! do you like babysitting “mini jake paul”? he is so funny!!!!
You also have a beautiful room!!! I would love to play in your murch room there is so many toys!!! Is is amazing how rich you are!!
I LLLOOOVVVEEE your song boomerang did you make it up yourself??
i like that you gave the bow to the “mean” girl! you are very brave!!!!!!!
seriously girl you better stop there or you are going down
Oh come on
seriously girl you better stop there
hi it’s me jojo and today i am going to choose: EVERYBODY WOOHOO
tell us are u the real jojo siwa
hi omg is it really you
Hi jojo i am your biggest fan. My name is Sarah. i love you so much. i am 13 years old.
jojo what do you mean i will go down!
i am sorry for what I did
Hello Jojo my daughter is 3 years old her name is Elora we call her lolo her birthday is 06-22-16 she. loves you so much. She hopes you are ok during this time. She always saids wear your gloves and mask. She would love to facetime with you. Love you Jojo
Sorry I’m really busy! 🙁
Hi Jojo Siwa I am Cedaine I am a big fan of you! I just wanted to say if you see this please reply I am a big fan and I just wanted to be your bestfriend and wanted to tell you something so do you have an email….
whatn is your number
i do not have phone but can i give you my moms
hi jojo i am huge fan can i do a zoom with you
How jojo I your biggest fan
hi what is your mom’s num
717 576 7795
oohh ggiirrllss
what is your zoom num
who’s mine mine is my meeting ID is 741 6996 5920 my password is 2zzQiK it for zoom
Are you the real Jojo siwa cuz if u are im ur BIGGEST fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU JOJO I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN! Can i have a zoom with you to?!
yes you can
Hi JoJo I’m Ella from SA and I’m ur biggest fan u Riele and Ella Anderson also jace can u plz give me ur phone number because May12 2021 I’m coming to Florida or New York for my birthday ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
hey jojo twishaa hear i am a super big fan of you !!!!!!!!!! can you please give me your email id so that i can talk to you and have lots of fun !!!!!! (as i am only 10)
im jojos biggest fan and im going to her concert in winnipeg cuz i live there and cuz its my D.R.E.A.M to see jojo in real life and not just in my dreams!!!!
Thank you Krys I apppricate that!!! I am fine but thanks for asking to help you are so sweet!!! Thanks agian for standing up for me.
It is not her real phone number and i wonder if itf is someone else talking to us that is why i want to do a zoom!
Same here I wonder if that’s the real Jojo siwa or a computer talking to us?
JoJo did you get my text on this site?
JoJo I love you can you please tell me what you’re number is
JoJo can you come over tomorrow morning please come to my house I’m your bigeses fan my. Name is Melanie .
Jojo why are you ingnoring me and Krys?
JoJo can you come over tomorrow morning please come to my house I’m your bigeses fan my. Name is Melanie .
Well were do u live? my phone # is 379-564-855-695
too bad i cant meet her. i live in winnipeg but im seeing her concert in winnipeg
im making a video now
Alyse thank you for saying that we both can stand up fore each other I don’t know why Jojo Siwa is being so rude to us. P.S do you what to be pen pals?
i would NEVER be rude to my fans 🙁
i would never be rude to my fans
Jojo would never be mean
i am sooooo sorry pls forgive me i promise i will give you tickets to my concerts
andby the way you are my bff
jojo can u pls get me vip tickets i want to meet u so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to be your pen pal so bad too and are you the real jojo siwa
are u the real jojo siwa? tell us the truth we wont get mad
Hi JoJo Siwa my name is Melanie and I am 10 years old and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I sent you some fan mail to u May 14th 2020. I was actually wondering could you could maybe send me some VIP tickets that would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!! And could you send a letter back to me in three months from now pleeeeaaaasssseeee and thank you. This is from ur #1 and most huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggge fan from Melanie
Who are you talking to Jojo?
Can we forget what happend everyone? And we should always be BFF!!
ok i will subcribe right know!!
How many viedos do u have I only see one
hi my name is cynthia i was hoping we could be friends
Hey u wanna do zoom meeting with me
hi im jojos biggest fan
jojo i want to meet u so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!
JoJo can you tell me your zoom number please love Melanie
I LOVE YOU JOJO I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN! Can i have a zoom with you to?!
Yes you can
Jojo can you anwser kyrs? You anwser the other people ecsept her.
so sorry forgive me. I will give you VIP tickets to all my concerts
hey Jojo you are the best do you think you could email me please I love you!!!!!! I am your wildest fan and biggest !!!!!!!!!!!! please email me at [ashlin.j.mcspadden@student.ecboe.org] PPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you song boomerang and do you could mention me in our video Ashlin is my name I love you too much!!!!!!! <3 today is my brother Michael's birthday
sure hi kyrs hi alyse
you can all zoom me if you really want it badddddd
I have the zoom app
I just need the personal link.
hi can i have you phone number to the Sears or can I call you and Google meet
i love you guys soooooooooooo much i wish i could meet you so bad
can you Zoom today Jojo at any time?
Hold on Jojo I just Google the time in California and it’s 3:51 p.m so what time is good for you either today or tomorrow anytime works for me? I did not know California had a different time than where I live.
whenever you have time.
I meant 6:30 if it’s ok with you?
maybe 7:00 because I need to get ready for the video talk on Zoom if that’s ok with you.
come on tell us are u the real jojo siwa
hi jojo i am a huge fan can i do a google meet with you talk to you later jojo
hi jojo i am HUGE fan i watch your videos All the time have a good day by jojo hope we can talk soon byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
My little sister just turned five and is a huge fan and said she wants to be just like you when she grows up. You are her inspiration.
Hi jojo siwa my name is jonathan lambert!
I Love your videos. will you email me please at lambertjo905@scuc.txed.net
I wish you Were my sister!
my sisster seid you are realy rude to other people wich I refuse to beleive. is there a way to get your real phone number please!!
I wish you where my sisster.
can i have your phone number
can i have your phone number
Jojo can u do a Zoom Meet 3:30? In California it’s 2:26 but time where I live it’s 5:26.
tomorrow at 3:30 can you Zoom Jojo? please let me know when you get a chance Jojo.
Hey JoJo I’m 16 and a huge fan
happy bday jojo siwa i hope you enjoy your day a lot
we can at 1:00 zoom meet
I need a personal link for the zoom.
at 1:00 in California time am going to give you the meeting ID code and password. Get that Jojo?
Okay 🙂
Happy birthday 17th JoJo i hope you have the best day of your life
can we facetime for my bday in august PLEASE???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that would make me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
i sent you some fan mail on march 19 so can u please send me a letter back and maybe some VIP tickets to your concert in winnipeg?!!!!!!???????
Dear Jojo,
I am YOUR #1 FAN!! I am 12 years old and I live in lake city mi. Do you think you can do a surprise call on my birthday? My birthday is Jan. 12! If you can, I would love it if you could send VIP tickets to one of your concerts close by! If we could zoom together, that would be awesome!! YOU were my light in the darkness when I thought I was done.
I’m so sorry Jojo about not having the Zoom meeting today my parrots hade to get something for the pool I just what to wish you a happy birthday and good wishes to you. When you get a chance plz look at my YouTube video about just for you….. you can search on YouTube Krystyan Colautto to find me.
Do you think Jojo we can reschedule on May/20/2020 for a Zoom meet please at 1:00 in California time?
Hi JoJo!
Did you know that we share the same nickname and birth name? My name is JOELLE and my nickname is JOJO! Can you believe it???!!! I even kinda have a similar personality (based off of tik tok and youtube)! I’m 10yo and I love your music! I love performing and I love fashion, what better pair? Some day I want to meet you in person. Did you know that you appeared in my dreams? It was weird when I told you my name in the dream. What was your first song, and how old were you when it was released? Another question (be perpared to be bombarded with questions) is: how do you put an official video on youtube, and by that, I don’t mean like posting a video. I mean, do you just write a song and then make a video for it? Because I’ve wanted to make songs and make official videos for them for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG time. If I could contact you, I would. maybe send an email or something, or can you tell me your email instead (if you have one)? Or maybe a zoom, but I should ask my parents first. The first song I heard from you was Boomerang, but my favorite is World Wide Party and my second fav. is Every Girl’s a Super Girl. Where did you get the ideas for those songs? Please, please, please! answer these questions! And I wish you the best birthday ever!!!(can’t believe today is your b-day!)
about the email thing, sorry. didn’t see it.
who email you did not see Jojo?
jojo’s email (the one we are sending fan mail to)
Jojo can we do a Zoom meeting today at 1:00 plz?
hi jojo i am your fan angel how are u
Hi jojo My name is Madison vellia and im been a fan sice i was 8 now im 12.I love the bows and i love watching your videos even when i get a head aek from the screaming but i do the same i wear a bow everyday people say hey jojo because i wear them all the time.i love the songs and i want to cummticate you some how this was my first time acutley having a shot or evan a chance.Ill tell you mare when you awnser bye.
Hi Jojo. My name is Kiki and I can’t believe I’m doing this cause I’m not exactly what u call bold and excited like my little sister. So anyway, I’m sorry this is late but here I go. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOJO!!!
Can we do a zoom meeting at 2:00 on Saturday for my sister plz !!!!!!!
hi jojo,Happy Birthday!Can I call you?I have your number so I know it.I only have one jojo bow,but I hope I still qualify as a fan.I wish I had your barbie and more bows,but nothing in life comes easy I will call you tomarow and tell you more.Bye!
Also can u plz accept my invitation on hangouts it would mean THE WHOLE WORLD 2 ME!!!!
miri what is jojos phone number? pls tell me
hi jojo how are you i am good you are BIG inspason to me
Hi JO JO. I’m7 years old. I’m your biggest fan I went to your concert at the Brisbane entertainment Centre and I was a VIP.
What is your mailing address so I can send you letters?
Hey Jojo Siwa can I have your phone number? We can talk about singing and dancing because I love doing that all the time all day long and I added you on Snapchat.
I am sooo sorry I have not called you yet jojo,my mom dose not think it is your real phone numb but she might let me try.I cant wate to talk to you!bye!
you realize that everyone on the chat will see it right?
Yes Jojo siwa i will always forgive you!!! You are amazing! I love you so much Jojo siwa ❤
You do not have to give me VIP tickets to your concert!! That was really sweet of you tho!! I love you so much we are BFF. I REALLY TRUELY am your fan! you are amazing
Your fan Alyse.
Hi Jojo Siwa,
I’m Carla from Barcelona (Spain) and I’m 8 years old.
I like to watch your videos and I love your live stile your personality.
I’m your big fun, I’m not stopping to listen your music.
I send you a lot of kisses from Barcelona.
Hey Jojo! My name is Robin and I’m 11 years old. You’re so cool! I have some of your bows and I were them to school a lot. You’re such an amazing singer and dancer. I do dance as well, it’s not that scary to get up on the stage cause I’m so used to it already! I think you did an amazing job as the T-Rex on the Masked Singer! You inspire me a lot I was wondering if we can be pen pals? I know you are probably not ever gonna read this and I understand if we cannot be pen pals. I hope you are staying safe!
Hi Jojo. Your mailbox was full so I used your other email please answer me. Also I’m using my other email not gmail.
hi jojo,I was wondering if it is ok to tell peopole your phone number.I know you post it on the fan mail site to othr peopole but I dident know if I could tell my friends.Just let me know.bye!
Happy New Month, Jojo.
hi jojo siwa happy new month i am here to say u are the best and i am ur birthday mate may 19
JoJo can u PLEASE send me VIP tickets to ur concert in winnipeg and i sent u fan mail on march 19 so i hope u reply to me JUNE 19th! Bye girl!
hi jojo can i call you but what is your number and i am geting a phone soon but i want to call you
I love your new puppy! did you name him yet?
hey jojo when I tryed to call you it said the mail box was ful and could not exept any new mesages
Hi jojo I can and saw your concert in santluis it was a awesome can you have Madison and trinity call me
hi jojo siwa please i have a question are u on google hangout
hi jojo siwa please are u on google hangout
Yah she is
Hi Jojo thank u so much for answering me and I hope you have a good day too.
JoJo I am 10 and it is my dream to meet you and the labrant fam and Jake Paul but please I am beagind you to contact me my number is 217 720 0931 I need Jakes number and the labrant fans number when I meet you I will oh you somthing
hey Jojo, do you remember doing a music video with mattyb?
Jojo am ur real fan here at Nigeria I love u jojo
Hi Jojo. Can I send you an invitation on hangouts and do you have any other email that isn’t your work email.
hi jojo i am your fan angel how are u
hi jojo siwa i am your fan
JOJO !!!!!!!!
I love you so much I watch your videos every day and night
The one called right now I’m missing you.
hey Jojo, do you remember mattyb?
Hi my name is Francesca and I’m your biggest fan! I love your glitter bows I see them at target and I love them.
Hi Jojo, Do you remember mattyb?
Hi jojo siwa i went to your D.R.E.A.M tour i want to see you i sang in front of people in the relay for life it was a lot of people!!! i love audc and want to be on it i love you so much #peaceouthatorz
That’s so coll Mila! Did you like my D.R.E.A.M Tour?
can we have a zoom meeting?
hii jojo! hopefully you see this. i know you might have many more important things going on, but i wanted to ask you a favor. could i interview you a couple of simple questions with the image and influence you have on social media, and you, the true you? i wanted to focus my documentary on what teenagers are ‘supposed ‘to be like in this day and age, and since people say you come off more bubbly than the regular teen, i wanted to include you in this documentary. i hope you see this and be able to answer a couple questions! it would really mean a lot to me ❤️❤️
hiiiiii jojo we are really big fans of you and we love your songs
jojo we are really big fans of you and we love your songs
hiiii jojo
Hey girls, Did you get my tickets to my D.R.E.A.M Tour?
Boomerang’ is all about coming back from the hate and not listening to the hate. It really tells a really great message.
hii jojo how are you doing We love your songs and we will always be your great big fans
hi i emailed you oh this is you biggest fan EVER!!!!!!!!!!! i love you so much keep being AWSOME!!! bye
hi i emailed you oh this is you biggest fan EVER!!!!!!!!!!! i love you so much keep being AWSOME!!! bye
sorry duplicated it
jojo siwa you are my hero number 1 is this actually you
jojo siwa you are my hero
Ryan thank you so much! I hope JoJo will reply so I can make it a reality!
jojo please reply!
can i have a zoom meeting with you on friday june 5th 2020
hi jojo please answer my dms @melisorno. i would really appreciate having a quick convo with you. much love <3
ok jojo see ya contact me with info and can we be friends my email is ldunn71@gmail.com peace bye
ok jojo contact me with info and can we be friends my email is ldunn71@gmail.com bye
hi jojo i am your biggest fan i watch your videos and i love you and i wish too see you bye
ok jojo siwa i love u
ok can you get him to call me and everleigh rose
As soon as you can JoJo just dm me @melisorno, and it’ll just be a couple questions for my documentary.
Hi JoJo my name is Jenna Woodson and I want you to call me please my phone number is 2193347908 and I am a huge fan and when you first came out on the masked singer I new it was you so I would love it if you can call me
hey jojo can you please call me my phone number is 234+08183936551 i love you and your songs i see all your concerts but not live you dont do in lagos it will be nice for u to come to my state
hi jojo siwa I don’t know if you will like me. I’m from Nigeria. I listen to your songs and I’m really inspired. I want to be a singer like you. I wish I can meet you when I come to do my university in Canada. I have your phone number but I don’t know if you will answer me. My name is Faith
Hi Jojo!My name is Blake and I really want to meet you!Your bows and clothes are so pretty!
Thank you so much Jojo I love you so much and you are so sweet!
Oh, and i see you got a new puppy it is ADORABLE!! i love it as much as i love you but you are probly better! could we do a zoom?
Hi Jojo my name is Matias I’m a 14 year old Namibian boy and I’m one of your biggest fan; because you are sow cool and I also want to become a actor on Nickelodeon so……….w much and I would like to meet you some days if my dream could come true;to become a actor on Nickelodeon kids TV show,
Hi Jojo my name is Matias I’m a 14 year old Namibian boy I’m your biggest fan cause you are sooooooooo.w cool and I soooooooooow to become a actor on Nickelodeon kids TV show it had been my biggest DREAM sens I was yang
Sorry to all my fans that I did not respond to you but I’m feeling a bit sick so it’s how to answer back because I’m laying down but when I get better I can talk again to all my fans while you wait check out my YouTube channel with my merch room tour I love you all and ✌ OUT!
I ur FIRST FAN OM THE WHOLE ENTIRE EARTH, believe me, I’m the First!!
Hi jojo! I love you.
Hi, JoJo, Its Me Your biggest, Hugest, Fattest, Enormous, Mightiest, strongest, NUMBER 1 Fan on the Whole Entire Earth. Don’t worry, I will protect u Whenever u are hurt, Sick or even felling Bad. I’m always there! I Hope u get better, Bye!! LOVE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
Hi is me again I got my mom’s number 081-498 1753 you can contact me on this number please , Oh quick question do you do to school will you are a actress, and thanks for being available,I also check out your You Tube channel.
Hi Jojo, Hope you get better soon
Love you
what jojo are you lying i saw your video 22 hours ago
i used too look up to you
Yoh I checked out you You Tube channel and thous video are super cool,Oh and I hope you are feeling better now.
I do thanks so much I love all my fans so much can’t wait to see some of you on my DREAM Tur!
Hi, it’s me again, I hope u are feeling much better. Anyway, I checked out ur YouTube Channel and it’s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. I Love U very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey JoJo, May u allow my Invitation on Hangout? Plz?
Hey JoJo, my name is Fabien, may we be friends? Plz.
omg jojo i love you so much i been watcing since danes moms i love your energy wow this is amazing you can email me and call me my number s 8573561546 and way to exspose you address and dont do that ever again
Hey JoJo, How are?
hi jojo im abby im your fan
What up Jojo Siwa!
Hi Jojo Siwa I love you so much and your bows!
Hey Jojo I love your room tour.
Hi, my name is Fabien, I can understand ur Story and forgive u. Anyway may u tell JoJo that I’m a Huge Fan and I’m asking her if we can meet? And also, before I forget, May u tell her if we can make a call on WebEx?
Thank u!
Hi, JoJo, may we meet on WebEx?, U can be the Host If U want?
Hi jojo my name is Godswill and i am 11. i really want to know you firs i sent you a friend request on roblox also i need your phone number so i can be your friend and be on nickelodeon with you.
ok i for give you jojo siwa
Thank u sooooooooooo much, u are really a very good Friend THANK U, I’m soooooooooo happy Bro.
Thank you!! Sooooooooo much.
And plz do not send me wat she said here, send it to me on My email: fabienbizimana2020@gmail.com
Thank u again!!!
I’m a Boy Did she answer and also remember that send it to me on my email: fabienbizimana2020@gmail.com
No, she did not answer back guess she’s kind of busy right now but I’ll keep an eye on it for u.
hi jojo,I know you are very bissy but I was just wondering if you are going to reschedule your dream turs.I was supost to go to your one on may 15th but it got cancled and we did not get a new rescheduled date.I just dident know if I could still come an meet you aventuly.
i seen all your new videos they look great!! i want to do a zoom can we??
Ummmmm……………..Jojo siwa YOU where really sick or….. what happened….. are you fibbing it jojo i think so
Zullyrae that is not nice she is true she really does want to talk to us so be nice!!
PLEASE can we do a zoom
hi jojo this is Courtney i am a big fan of you and matty b my friend Dara is also a very big fan of yours I hope you can accept me in hangouts. Can you pls give me your num and matty’s pls. I hope you have an app called viber or whatsapp.
hi jojo this is Courtney i am a big fan of you and matty b my friend Dara is also a very big fan of yours I hope you can accept me in hangouts. Can you pls give me your num and matty’s pls. I hope you have an app called viber or whatsapp.
Sorry, I’m really Sorry for u. Be strong!!
KK!! Krys, But remember Krys, Send it to my Email: fabienbizimana2020@gmail.com
Thank u again Bro!!
what is your phone number
Can you move to North Carolina on June 26 So I can meet you
hi jojo siwa please can u accept me on hangout and roblox and my email is seyifunmi.marvelous@gmail.com
I just saw your NONSTOP music video it was sooooo amazing I realy want to be in one of your music videos one day!
Me too i loved it.
Me too miri and i loved it.
JoJo siwa I love you so much
it’s a pleasure talking to you
Hi Jojo my name is Londyn and I’m ten years old I am moving to Fort Bragg you should visit me and I am your world’s biggest fan Ps I’d like you to invite me to your birthday party next year
And know it is on May 19
Hello Jojo my name is Londyn we are to Fort Bragg you should visit us PS I’d be happy if you invite me to your birthday party next year
True its not nice to talk like that.
What is your phone number so I can contact you
Hi jojo can you call me
Here’s my number 0771598911
I am glad you loved it to KC,no one else has said anything about it.
O,and Londyn jojo siad her phone number was 310-774-0776.
Who me Zullyrae what do u mean? I thought that I was being nice and my sickness I’m better now it’s a private thing.
hi Jojo siwa,am a fan…..um,well, I just want to say you’re amazing in your way and that’s want you Jojo siwa I’ve seen people commenting really badly about you and the way you joke over it is really cool and not much people do that and you taught me to look at people’s about me in a fun way and that as really helped me a lot and I also have a question,” now that you’re 17,are you going to go for the all billboard singing career stuff or you’re gonna stick with ” it’s Jojo siwa”.well I like you and I just want you to know that am 15 yrs old and have being listening to your music since you started and am never goin’ to stop
You’ve also made me realise that the best me is by being myself and you’ve really influenced through these yrs
keep up the Jojo dream lovin’ it
Sorry hard things are happinig in my familey i am SO sorry i am a sad person inside kyrs can we be friends i love you so much can we forget this??
I was not mad at you i was mad at my familey and the choices they are makeing now i hope you will not remeber me as a “mean” person. i love you jojo and krys so ✌out and love ya’ll
hi jojo,I realy dont want to be mean or overwellming but you have not responded to anyone in a long time,I hope you dident forget us.Your just propily just very bissy
Hi Jojo. Do you play Roblox
Just want to know
can you tell me what your address pls . i really want you to baby sit me
your the best i’m so happy i can actually talk to you this is the best day ever .i don’t know how to do a smiley face emoji but if i did know how i would put a lot cause their can never be to much right.
your the best i’m so happy i can actually talk to you this is the best day ever .i don’t know how to do a smiley face emoji but if i did know how i would put a lot cause their can never be to much right.
We can go on Zoom right now if you want .I just really want to talk to you your the best i’m sorry i asked if you can baby sit me i forgot about quarantine i’m so stupid
Hii everyone, I just have an Idea, What if we can all create a google meet all together and also with JoJo Siwa and Someone must organize it. For that we need to give all ur emails and mine is: fabienbizimana@gmail.com
And if u wanna for JoJo Siwa, It is: itsjojosiwa@gmail.com
So is that a good Idea?
Hii everyone, I just have an Idea, What if we can all create a google meet all together and also with JoJo Siwa and Someone must organize it. For that we need to give all ur emails and mine is: fabienbizimana@gmail.com
And if u wanna for JoJo Siwa, It is: itsjojosiwa@gmail.com
So is that a good Idea?
From: Fabien.
Hii Krys may I have ur email?
Krys, remember I’m a boy not a girl. I can create the google Meet anytime, but to create it, I would need all the emails of all theFans of JoJo Siwa. But I do not think so she will see ur invitation, But I Pray, she will.
Hello, everyone, may I have all ur emails, for the Google Meet with JoJo Siwa also?
jayceeraine@icloud.com thats my emai;
Did u get everyone’s emails Fabien?
No, I did not, I only have urs, Seyifunmi Marvelous and JoJo Siwa’s, Guys, plz give me ur emails?
Its oK, but may u check ur Inbox, may u contact everyone else to give me their emails?
Hi Jo, this is Fabien, may we chat on gmail? Here is my email: fabienbizimana2020@gmail.com
Remember ur my Hero, I’m mean First hero I ever Had!
No, not yet.
Sure, its Ok, wats her email? and may call JoJo Siwa, to tell her that we are planning all of this, thx!
Sure tell it tome on my email: fabienbizimana2020@gmail.com
But not on zoom, coz my siblings are using the wifi too much, so tell it to me on my email, thx!
Hi JoJo Siwa, how are u?
Ok, but i did not yet c ur email, so r u going to send it or u r not?
hi jojo i am your biggest fan please can i have your phone number
happy new month jojo are so awesome i am biggest fan .
happy new month jojo are so awesome i am biggest fan .
hi jojo can i have your phone number
hi jojo can i have your phone number
Hi jojo,
I have a 6yr old female foster child and she totally adores you! She is one of your many biggest fans! She would love to meet you but writing a letter to you is safer at this time. She says hi and keep doing a great job! Her favorite song is boomerang! She loves your hair bows too!
hi kyrs i am so busy with school and covid sorry!
I love you jojo who do i become famus like you I am only ten but i am tall for my age
dear jojo i herd what happened, be strong i understand! please talk to us you have all these fans waiting for you!
I call u Jojo in zoom please sent me what your email thanks
ummmm. it may be private so i do not want to say and i did not now that that is so cool! ok i will try kyrs.
Hi Krys, thx, I get it,but we may chat on Gmail: fabienbizimana2020@gmail.com
And I really wanna meet JoJo Siwa.
Thank you so much!
yh, ik same thing, hey guys login ur selves on wattpad and Jojo Siwa is there too, I’m also there and remember follow Jojo Siwa and I, her name is: ItsjojosiwaOfficial or: jojosiwafans and me it’s: Fab_izih
Follow me and I will follow u also, and I logged in today. see u!
Ohh sry Krys.
Yh, I know, but she never answers, I send a lot of texts and emails even google meets, invitation, but she never answers. And I don’t know wat to do. Sry Krys.
Oh, that’s ok IK pop stars are sometimes busy. Hey, do u play the game MovieStarPlanet 2 Fabien? If u do or If u what to play it my username on the game is cool krys
Sup Kyrs havent chated for a while cant wait to meet jojo!!!! we got kittens!
OMG HIIIII JOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SUCH A BIG FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz email me at taylor.stiff@ocsbstudent.ca
OMG!! Bye!!!!!
I play animal jam! I luv it!
Aww, I love kittens and I got a toy of a kitten name FeFe NM just playing this new game my friend show me MovieStarPlanet 2 ya, and I miss chatting with u and I’m kinda scared to meet Jojo cus I’m a shy girl lol it was nice hearing from you talk to u soon bye.
Yep like talking with you! You are so sweet we could do a padlet if that is fine with you?
Hello Jojo I am your biggest fan I was hoping you could send me one of your bows for Christmas also I sent you an email when you reply to my email I will send you my address
Hello Jojo, my name is courtney and im 28 years old. my birthday is right after yours. i love you, i love your videos. i am a fan of you. i love your bows that you have sold and made. i was hoping you could send me one of your jojo siwa christmas dress and jojo siwa christmas pjs and a jojo siwa christmas bow. im a size XL. i have 3 sisters but no brothers. i have 3 dogs. i also like to sing and dance. i cannot wait to see you perform live in concert next year.
kyrs it is a chat thingy……… hope ya’ll had a great christmas!
hey jojo im myles i have loved you forever i have wached every video on youtube of you i have been your biggest fan since i was 3 years old it would mean the world to me if you email me my email is mwgregory2026@pagecounty.k12.va.us i love you.
Hey, Alyse so I look it up but it doesn’t say it’s a talk thing but do you think we can do a talk room or a Zoom if you can pick which one we do if you are interested just tell me, and hope you had a good Christmas my Christmas was pretty good.
Hey, Alyse so I look it up but it doesn’t say it’s a talk thing but do you think we can do a talk room or a Zoom if you can & pick which one we do if you are interested just tell me, and hope you had a good Christmas my Christmas was pretty good.
hi jojo siwa i love you!!!!!! please call me on 9990613060
Hey JoJo i love your song Boomerang!!
Jojo zoom Karen
i love you a lot i need your phone number and email address plz because i am doing this for a project
Hi! This іs my first visit to your blog! We are a collection of volunteers ɑnd starting
a new project in а community in thе ѕame niche.
Your blog proνided us useful information to work
on. You have done a marvellous job!
I’m sorry I ever didn’t like u. I heard what u went through
i love you and i need to talk to someone!
I’m such a fan Jojo siwa! I dream of you day and night!
Jojo i have crush on you
me to i send you a email and you did not reply can you reply at nsher001@slam.colegia.org thankyou
omg hiiiiiii
Hi JoJo,
My name is Ava and I am a really big fan. I really wish I can meet you one day. You are the best and I love your cute dog too!
How did you get famous, JoJo?
I had a dream two days ago it was when there was a big birthday party and I saw you and I gave you a big hug and my mom and dad walked up to you and they ask you for your phone number and you said yes got your phone number and then we became friends forever and we had cake with each other and we danced with each other and I really wish I could meet you so call me with this phone number. 8504614118
Can we do a zoom meeting at 2:30 tomorrow
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
hi jojo when is your next conert
how is jojo a liar
hi jojo this is harris iwas wonder if we can do a zoom meeting
hi jojo
hi jojo my name is zoey and i subribe to your channal please give me you phone number
I am you biggest fan in New Mexico. I had front row tickets to you concert before the CORNA. I am sending you a friendship letter. I hope you have a great day and get to read my letter. Thank you. PS Your dog is super cute with a cool name bow bow.
hi jojo i am your biggest fan from winnipeg. can you please reply?
Dear Jojo siwa you are such a good singer and you put message in you music that help me stand up because i been bulied by a lots of people and your song boom rang helped me i am such a big fan i saw you in consert is south carolina you where amazing you voice is like a angel are you going to come out with a new song i watch you on youtube and you helped a hole lot of people i think you should follow your dreams like you tell use to do.
i really love jojo’s songs especially boomerang
she is so pretty
I’m a huge fan and I love U!
OMG! I’m such a big fan!
OMG! I <3 U!
hi jo jo siwa my name is rosie and i am almost 17 i really really love your songs and i love your youtube chanals my birthday is on october 25 and i want you to come to my party i am doing a jo jo siwa birthday party and i love you jo jo siwa
Dear Jojo,
My name is Eliana. Sometimes I watch your videos. They are very cool. I love you so so much! I have two guinea pigs named pancake and meatball. I have a Jojo puzzle and I am obsessed with you. I am mailing a letter to you. Are you able to write back? P.S. My mom is helping me type this. I am 6.
Hi jojo my name is Destiny bryant i really really want to meet you and can i have your phone number because you are my dream come true and i love your videos i love to dance sing and be happy i really hope i meet you one day. i have a jojo puzzle with bow bow on it
pls answer jojo
pls answer jojo